Hey..! Hello..! It's nice to finally meet you, [@Mercenary Lord]. And yeah; the summery was really good, I enjoyed reading it, and I would be lying if I didn't say that I had a bit of a chuckle when uh, names weren't mentioned and fingers weren't pointed at anyone in particular; I really wanna thank you [@Atrophy] for taking the time to write that up, it was most definitely very insightful, and I really appreciated it. I managed to read a good portion of the information yesterday before I, unfortunately, passed out last night, heh. But I planned on finishing reading the rest of it today. I myself love to give as much information and detail as I can in my roleplays, so I've always appreciated someone else who also puts in as much effort, I think it's amazing. I'll finish reading everything through and get started on a character, if that's okay..? :'3