[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/cSvfqoW.png[/img][/center][center][b]-> [@Shadeflare123] [@Deos Morran] <- GM: [@MechonRaptor][/b][/center][hr] Soon the group of three trainers and their pokemon slowed down a bit to a more reasonable pace as the light dimmed and the dust grew heavier. It was eerily silent too, apart from the vague rumble of machinery deeper into the ruins. It was eerie-- everything else already left, by the looks of it. Did the pokemon that live here think the place was gonna collapse in on itself if nobody could stop the machinery...? Hopefully that wasn't gonna happen with them in it. Or well, like, at all. The ruins were ruined enough. The ruins themselves were spectacular visually-- the ancient architecture was amazing to look at, art on the walls gave cryptic insight to past culture, and the collapsed arches and pillars weirdly added to the look. It was disappointing to see the more interesting and presumably more historically important parts of the ruins inaccessible due to cave-ins and whatnot, but at least it made their path linear. There wasn't much of a question where the gang could've gone, really. It pissed Nov off a bit just thinking about these kinds of things, though. He wasn't much of a history buff or anything, but it still sucked not being able to take in the cool sights! They couldn't delay at all if they wanted to save the ruins from whatever the enemy's plan was, and it wasn't like they could focus much anyway. After a bit of navigating past a few frustrating dead-ends, the party found themselves standing before a giant stone door. It took all three of them heaving to get it to crack open, but once they did, it practically flew open with a cloud of dust blasting into them. More importantly though, the sound of machinery became significantly louder now that it was open-- they were getting close, but there was still the hall before them to deal with. Nov cleared his throat and waved the dust out of his face once the cloud disappated. It would have bothered him more if they hadn't just dealt with pretty much the exact same scenario but worse; sandstorms in a tight corridor weren't too intimidating anymore. He gave the others a moment to recover from the blast of sand before continuing forward, but they were soon stopped again by a discovery: the road forked three ways. One was a sloped hall downwards, one just continued forward, and the right had stairs climbing upwards. This was... concerning. Going down the wrong path would be a major time-waster, so maybe it would be best not to go as one group? Nov thought about it for another minute before turning to the others. [color=red]"We can't waste too much time if we choose wrong here, so maybe we should split up. I dunno if they meet up later or something, but at least that way one of us will have to find the right way."[/color] Without waiting for the others' responses, Nov casually walked over to the right side with the staircase. [color=red]"I'll take this path. You two can take the others, and we'll meet up later, yeah?"[/color] [center][b]| Zamak Ruins |[/b][/center]