[center] [color=#71407C][h1]Mistress Hollow[/h1][/color][/center] [@LuckyBlackCat][@Heckno12][@Dusksong] Mistress Hollow leaned back in her chair as Ray explained exactly who she was asking about, it wasn’t like she hadn’t heard of detective Hammer but his ugly mug wasn’t exactly the thing she wanted to see most on her television screen. What caught her attention was the off-handed mentioned the reason why he was pestering the children, which could have been the very same people who gave her such an irritation getting to this region in the first place. Crossing her legs, she continued to hear him out even thanking him again for dealing with what she couldn’t at the time because she wasn’t there at the time. Laughing a bit when she was referred to as a miss being so used to people putting the word mistress in front of her name, that and the fact she hasn’t seen Nyxx’s father in years. [color=#71407C]“Thank you for your time, ”[/color] she replied projecting her thoughts back into Ray ‘Hes like a mix of Volkner and her daughter,” she thought to herself releasing a Gengar from its Pokeball. [color=#71407C]“Boo I need you to hide in Nyxx’s shadow while I go looking for this Hammer”[/color] she commanded prompting the ghost type to chuckle disappearing to do his task. Walking out of the Pokecenter she patted her little girl on the head [color=#71407C]“Sorry sweety, I have to make a few phone calls about the contest, festival”[/color] she explained with a gleeful attitude, smiling from one ear to the next and bouncing away in the same happy go lucky manner everyone was accustomed to. Once she got around the corner her personality shifted again and the woman began her search for Hammer to question him about those thugs herself [color=#71407C]“Now if I were a hack where would I be”[/color]