Currently, our game is nearing the end of a mission. I'm going to start accepting character applications for the game. Be sure to check out the main game [url=][here][/url] to see who is active and inactive. All characters in red are inactive and their characters playable. I encourage you to ask me who is available to be RPed and who isn't. So if you're interested in joining, go ahead and post your interest here. Be sure to "MENTION" me and let me know who you are interested in playing or to even drop a CS for the character. I am looking to recruit active and dedicated players. The players who are currently active in this game are dedicated and are going to be rewarded with second character slots. Once you have proven to me that you're active and dedicated, which normally requires one completed mission or event, then you'll earn the right to open second character slots. This game has a cool crowd of writers, so if you like teamwork, interaction, character development/growth, then this is the game for you. I do not put up with BS, so if you're a drama llama you can either leave that at the door, at home, or just don't even join because I will kick that shit out. We haven't had any problems yet and I like to keep it that way.