[quote=@Asuras] Let's break this down. By asking forgiveness for 'laziness' presumably you mean to say you haven't read the OP in its entirety. This is strange in multiple ways; by saying such you want to make it clear you've [i]purposefully[/i] forgone reading the OP, and yet want forgiveness for it? I would ask, "Why not read the OP?" to which your answer is apparently, "Because I'm lazy," which I can assure you isn't something anyone (especially ERode) is going to just shrug off and 'forgive'. The OP is there for a reason, and has the answer to your question. [/quote] Just to be sure of myself I went ahead and reread the entire OP for the third time now before I wrote this. Unless I am well and truly blind I see only one reference to even potential monsters like I've asked about and that only saying "man eating beasts". The laziness I'm referring to is my unwillingness to read each and every one of the 100 posts that could contain the answer I seek rather than simply ask the question again.