Matthew Harvester || Agriculture Club - Sat 11 July The week silently passed for Matt has he bore the realisation that exams were soon not long after his dilemma within the clubroom, so upon realising his clubroom had become a nice place for solitude he decided to head there to study nearly every day. While doing that Matt avoided invitations to go to study groups or hang out, he really bad at focusing in groups and needed to focus by himself. Well that's what he said anyway, he just didn’t feel like dealing with people at the moment, which seemed to raise brows within his class due to his usual loudness. In the end he was now here sitting in the clubroom again studying…. Kinda. Matt was able to read through notes and textbooks but not all of it was sticking like normal, sometimes he had to go through something multiple times, his head just wasn't in the right place. The studying didn't go terrible but it could have gone better, but certain thoughts kept coming through his mind when he focused for too long. With a sigh Matt mumbled to himself, “....I hope this works out”