I must say, an impressive app. Although I have issues on a few areas before I can say "You're in". Two of which I had to talk to some RP'ing friends of mine to get what they thing. For a start, the most immediate thing to note is your territory is sort of large. A lot of us got fairly small holdings and it's not necessarily fair to up and claim the largest habitable stretch of land. I'd be willing to cut it by half if you tell me which half you want. The other bit that's in question is currency. Being the era this is based on it's a pretty wise thing to say that currency exchanges are not standardized; so that already cuts into the ability for them to be the defacto base of all monetary strength. I'm sure common folk could use them in small exchanges, but for larger more official purchases and trades I doubt they'd be accepted anywhere outside the local region of where you're at. It's a rather gross over-estimation of your own influence. Another point that I and my friends agreed to that we can't really have are your beast riders. As one put it: "You already have the biggest army, you don't need fucking Warg riders." So I'd cut them out of the regular units.