[center][h3]School 13-18/7/2015 - Monday-Saturday[/h3][/center] Track [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbDkfG56Jbk]During the Test[/url] The test week was intense, especially since it was before the summer break, most if not everyone was focused on getting through it so that they didn't have to do summer classes. The routine was attend, exam, go home, study, sleep, wake up, then rinse and repeat, for the whole week. The routine was a test and subjects for each day, Math, Japanese, English, History, Science, Literature. Rui was fairly well-studied in all of them so he fared quite well. As soon as the routine was over, they were informed results would be posted next week, and so everyone went home after the test on Saturday, hoping they passed. [hr] [center][h3]School, Morning 20/7/2015 - Monday[/h3][/center] Students attended the last day of school today before summer break, today may as well be a day off as there were no classes, everyone was simply here to see what their result was. As Rui approached the noticeboard and looked for his name, he seems to have scored about as highly as last time. [hider] Score out of 100 1 - 1 Chiaki (NPC) 70 Shizuka 68 Ryan 79 2 - 1 Rui 97 Noboru 59 Leiko 94 2 - 2 Akane 87 Katsuro 95 Kotori 99 Mako 93 3 - 1 Aiko and Akari (NPC) 75 and 76 Ayano 99 Tanaka 68 Jun 80 3 - 2 Kami (NPC) 70 Rokuro (NPC) 82 Akira (NPC) 76 3 - 3 Sato 97 Alexei 90 Matthew 70 [/hider] [color=slategray]"Ah"[/color], as he was checking the names of his friends, he spotted that Noboru was the only one who failed. By one point no less... He can almost hear in the background the anguished cries of Noboru as he was dragged to the faculty room, like the other few students who failed, to induct them to summer classes. Rui clasped his hands together in prayer for a brief moment before leaving to go about his day.