All things considered -- it wasn't exactly going well for An-Hasst. The vote he himself had initiated had pretty much backfired onto himself. Chances that they would indeed spend a more or less considerable amount of time on investigating this dragon issue were high and the Skayleigh didn't have any plans of not following suit. The case just didn't allow for this. The only thing that was somewhat soothing his remorse was that the vote probably had shortened their stay here by breaking through the ongoing bickering. Or were it the horses which were bringing in this superb atmosphere of departure ? It should have merely been a quick turnaround, but once more the half-elf-half-giant's view became stuck the moment Jezebeth's figure had unintentionally crossed its center. Apparently Settionne had done a good job with assembling her armor. It seemed to fit her body as perfect as a plate armor possibly could and certainly was an impressive thing to look at. However, if he was completely honest to himself, the thing even more beneificial than knowing that one wouldn't have to worry much about her in a fight was that the steel was almost completely hiding her beauty. It just was so difficult to [i]not[/i] look at her otherwise... Something told him that the priest already was deeply trapped in that pitfall and he had on plans on doing the same thing. Definitely not! On the other hand the mere fact that an excellently armed, proficient [i]Andred[/i] warrior had joined the team did make the Skayleigh feel both uncomfortable and agitated at the same time. The more attentive onlooker would notice that their Skayleigh companion now and for the first time in quite a while tightened up his armored cloak. An-Hasst was using armor made out of wool, leather and wood meant to provide protection against attacks and harsh weather at the same time. A thick cloak that went down from his shoulders to a height barely above the ground. The almost black scales were in stark contrast to their user's pale skin, but in terms of protection they were only midly inferior to steel while offering an array of benefits in other areas. Even having pulled up the hood that was part of his self-made protective equipment, the Skayleigh approached the elven commander. [color=ffff00]"I'd like to thank you for the horses. I hope we can make up some time."[/color] He even bowed a bit in front of whom could be considered his half-fellow-countryman. Then he turned his attention to the horses that had been brought in. It was the part that he became honestly worried about the fact that being light couldn't exactly be counted among those benefits of his wooden invention. It would be the task of the elvish blood flowing in his veins to save the horse from collapsing immediately. The problem was that while he was -- hopefully -- light enough for his own idea not falling back onto himself, he certainly didn't look like that. After all his body was almost closer to eight feet than it was to seven and 'bulging' was a bit of an understatement when trying to describe the amount of muscle he had been building up over the last decade or so. At least he wouldn't have to worry about any saddle being a fit too tight for his thighs. Still the horse didn't appear to be anywhere near happy with him sitting on it and neither was the Skayleigh who was faced with the prospect of his dangling feet digging through whatever kind of high grass they were going to encounter. From his now elevated positon, An-Hasst signaled his mount to turn around using his legs. It seemed that Alice was dealing with a bit of inexperience while Settionne was nowhere near the danger of having to do the same thing since the man appeared to be at a complete loss. He would have helped him for the sake of not loosing more time, but he didn't see a way how his mount could carry another man as well. [color=ffff00]"Sett ? Why don't you go with Alice ? Or with me if you really have to."[/color]