Ana followed Mya into the cabin as she described the roommate situation. Twelve. It was a decent enough number: even, not associated with any particular misfortune, divisible by six. Yes, twelve would be fine. Of course, less than twelve wasn't really objectionable either. As the pair entered the cabin, Ana surveyed the others in the room with a vague look of interest, raising a hand kin a vague attempt at a wave. Mya had secured a bed, and thankfully had chosen the top bunk. Ana had fallen off of tall things before: trees, mostly, and this had instilled in her a belief that gravity had silently been plotting her demise for years now. She walked over to the bottom bunk, taking a seat to judge the bed's comfiness. It seemed passable enough. [color=00aeef]"Sure thing."[/color] She pointed up at the bunk above her. [color=00aeef]"You should be careful up there though, you never know when gravity might strike."[/color] She spoke the words with a foreboding tone, wiggling her finger purposefully to encourage caution. Out of the corner of her eye, Ana noticed one of their new roommates drawing nearby. With an unintended level of stealth, she inched toward the girl, trying to get a look at whatever it was she was drawing. She gradually grew closer and closer, attempting not to disturb the girl's work. Eventually, she stood on her tiptoes. Stars. Stars were an interesting subject, to be sure, and there were so many to draw, one might never run out of models. After a bit, though, the girl took a break from her drawing to read a book that Ana was just too far away to make out the title of.