[quote=@Vesuvius00] I just edited in what I'm thinking, It's just a suggestion anyway. The red line is separating what I added from SIN's original work, except I also put Mary next to Mr. Connors :sun [/quote] Yay another artist! XD I like everything but the land bridge...as that kinda defeats the purpose of Ginty making a rope and net to get himself bags and stuff. (ironically enough, [@The1Rolling1Boy] was actually the one that put his own character over there. I had intended for him to be on the same side of the pond as everyone else. But...this is more interesting! ) Looks like he'll probably have to throw all the things back and then swim over. Sounds like it'll be fun! >=D Everything else about the image edit is accurate. [@Natsu]Yup. It's the underground. You have fallen and you can't get up. [@Laach]Use you imagination. :P This is the part where we are patient for the soul of patience. [@The1Rolling1Boy][@Natsu][@Vesuvius00][@Ryougu]Feel free to post again. And/or I'll have something up in a few hours. We're only waiting for [@XxLyraxX] who hopefully returns to us soon. I offered to give her a recap via pm so we'll see if that's goon enough to keep her around. When I post, I'll be writing [@Inner Demon] in as well. Since things are a little more action packed, we'll most likely (hopefully) be moving at a faster pace than before. Maybe everyone will get a chance to post once a day or every two days. We'll just have to see. ^^