[hider=Nickolas of Ormskirk] [center][IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/2cy4npd.jpg[/IMG] His face is rugged and scarred like most of his body. Seven long years of battling the worst creatures imaginable every day have worn their marks on his flesh. His mail and leather armor is in very good condition but has clearly been repaired many times. Across his chest and around his waist, there is a harness with pouches that hold all of his worldly possessions. Attached to the harness on his back are two sheathes that hold both of his blades. His brown hair and roughly shaven face add only a touch of humanity to the almost unnatural atmosphere felt around him. [/center] Name: Nickolas of Ormskirk Age: 21 Gender: Male Race: Human Nation: "Born" in Talze Utera, fights for Dansila Personality: Nickolas has been under immense stress since the first moment he can remember. Never having enough coin to get by and fighting monsters since 14 years old has made him extremely sturdy. Spends a lot of free time meditating and reflecting. Biography: [list] [*] Wakes up at 14 with amnesia and is taken in by a mercenary [*] Mercenary dies a year later fighting a werewolf [*] Nickolas takes on the mantle of mercenary and the events at Ormskirk take place.* [*] He travels to Dansila to look for work and ends up killing a rift beast on a regular contract. [*] He accepts a Talentium sword and a contract from the Dansilan government. The contract is for every Rift Beast he encounters. [/list] Abilities: Master swordsman in an unknown and unconventional technique, extreme resistance to most toxins, quadrupled metabolic rate of a regular human Important Items: Talentium Longsword called Silver, A Steel Longsword he would rather not talk about, harness that allows him access to everything he carries without the need for a backpack. [hider=*Events of Ormskirk:] Ormskirk was a small village of maybe ten people out in Talze Utera who had been experiencing a problem with monsters. A passing merchant carried their story and Nickolas made his way to the village. After receiving a promise a payment he set out to eliminate the monsters. Upon his return the village leaders refused to pay and when threatened attempted to kill Nickolas. In a rage Nickolas murdered the inhabitants of the village and unknowingly caused a fire which burned the village and bodies. [/hider] [/hider]