[center][h2][color=8d68ed]Jack Schreiber[/color][/h2][/center] [center] Location: Amalgum University Group: [@Broyeabro][@Alder][@Sho Minazuki][@floodtalon] GM: [@floodtalon] [hr][/center] Caught in a bind, Jack had no idea how or who to ask about going into the reserve. slightly frustrated, he pressed his finger harder against his lip and turned to try and look around for the Professor one more time. That's when two trainers came by that made Jack stop for a moment. One of the trainers looked oddly familiar. He couldn't say he ever met him, but he swore that he remembered seeing him somewhere... And then he remembered, the trainer he was looking at was one of the people with Professor Jonathan after Arclight attacked! Jack smiled to himself. Perhaps he knew whether it was okay to go in. Still smiling, Jack walked over to the two trainers and introduced himself. [color=8d68ed]"Excuse me, you guys were at the University when Team Arclight attacked, am I right? Do you know if we're allowed to go in yet?"[/color]