[@Lucius Cypher] Okay, myself and [@Leos Klien] have given your CS a good read. It definitely looks promising, but there are several issues, mainly with his backstory and race. Firstly, a child's race is decided by his maternal genes, not his paternal. Father's don't really matter, biologically - in the Elder Scrolls Universe, a child will take after their Mother, and the father will be lucky to pass along some characteristics, especially when mixing Men and Mer species. Your character would be an Imperial with an Imperial Mother. However, even if you were to swap the species of his parents, he wouldn't look as you've described. Half-Breeds aren't really a thing in the Elder Scrolls Universe, because again, a lot of what the Father gives is lost (unless it's something like a brunette Nord giving his child his hair colour while his Nord wife is blond). For example, the Gray Prince: Agronak gro-Malog. He looks like a regular Orc, beyond his paler skin - which is a result of his father's vampiric nature, not his human race. So this will need to be changed, as with his appearance; I'm not against making a runt of an Orsimer, as they likely do exist - he'd have all other characteristics of his race though, and certainly wouldn't be confused as anything else. However, if you are making a runty Orc, 6'3" is a typically large height for an Orc. He'd have to be much shorter to be considered lesser or weaker by other's of his race. Secondly, a lot of his backstory hinges on his Mother. His stronghold is massacred and he rescued because of his mother, staying in Cloud Ruler Temple because of his mother being a Blade, getting out of a jail sentence because of his mother. The problem there is that his Mother's backstory doesn't work out. Being in service to the Blades is generally a non-retiring job - you stay till you can't fight, whether that's brought with old age, or more likely, death. It stands to reason that one of their number wouldn't be permitted to leave, get married, have a kid, and then be allowed a safe haven when shit hits the fan. If she was in the Blades once, and then fell so madly in love that she left, then that's fine. But she wouldn't be welcomed back. An explanation of why she was at the Stronghold in the first place would be nice too. Thirdly, his acceptance into the Arcane University. I can tell you right now he wouldn't be admitted, regardless of "Imperial Recommendations". The Guild of Mages is a completely separate entity from the government and guards, and they will not allow anyone inside the University only they have recommendations from each Guild; the purpose of each Recommendation is to prove the individual has an expert grasp of each school of magic, which is necessary for acceptance; they definitely wouldn't take a complete novice either. Fourthly, the last sentence. "So he went on an adventure." A very vague statement, especially in regards to how he will meet up with our group. Why is he on the road to Kvatch? Surely he had some place in mind to find more research on Levitation magic? On that note, we have found a problem with Levitation magic; no scroll. It's too convenient for his mother to just happen to have one handy, and it would be incredibly foolish of her to give it to him in the very place it was made illegal. Even when you fix his backstory to not including the Arcane University, it's still too convenient. So no Scroll of Levitation. And add something on the end to say how and why he happened across our group coming out of the gate. Okay, so that's all for the backstory. There are just a few other things to add or change. [list] [*] 'Tis spelled "Atronach", for your Birthsign. [*] He's missing a Class name. Feel free to take one from the game or make up your own; the pre-made name does not have to align with the skills attached to it from the game. [*] About skills: He's able to have much more than that. Also, for someone who spent 7 years with the Imperial Legion, I'd expect to see some skill with weapons, not just archery. As he has a blade, he'll need One-Handed Blade as a skill, or he'll just be ridiculously clumsy with it. They get pretty decent weapons education in the Legion, So he'll have more skills. Stuff like athletics, acrobatics, blunt, you know, round him out to what a guard would be. [*] You've also listed a Destruction spell in his spells section, but it isn't listed as a skill. Please correct this. [*] Self-Immolation, Fenrick's Doorjam, Tinur's Hoptoad, Slowfall and Fire Shield do not appear as usable spells in Oblivion. As we are using only spells used in that specific time, they need to be removed. [*] Your Crossbow: Where did you get it? They're not common, especially not in Cyrodiil. Especially ones "improved" as this one has. It also wouldn't be cheap if one showed up on the market either. [*] Another point about your crossbow: "Can be fired one-handed" and "better penetration power" should not be in the same sentence together. If your crossbow is a regular one, then shooting it one-handed will turn any Master Marksman into a novice in terms of aiming. You cannot aim such a heavy, complicated piece of weaponry effectively with one hand - nor would you be able to reload it with one hand. On the other hand, if this crossbow has been made to be much lighter, and therefore, easier to aim with just one hand, then it certainly would lose a large amount of power and not have better penetration power. [*] An amulet enchanted with "Muffling". I can't see any follower of Malacath having this particular enchantment. Being silent and sneaky would be cowardice in Malacath's eyes, so his followers would avoid such enchantments. Either change the enchantment to something believable, or remove it. [/list]