[quote=@Lucius Cypher] Noted. I'm away from my computer right now (on mobile) so I won't be able to do the dots now. A few things I would like to address, though I assure you I'll still fix this. 1. I can try and change it. it'll change the drama but ultimately I think I can make it work out similarly. Stronghold girl who ran away with an Imperial soldier. I'll also adjust his height to be a bit below average for an orc, though most of his "I'm scrawny" image is mostly in his head. Still I'll make him match the image in his head. [color=#842525]Stronghold Girl and Imperial Father would work very nicely.[/color] 2. I could just change his mother into being a high ranking but retired member of the Imperial Legion. Also an orc. Basically she's someone who once was of high authority, like a captain or something. [color=#842525]While an Orc would be allowed to join the Imperial Legion (Mostly because of her boyfriend/husband being a member), it's doubtful she would get to a high rank. You'd be better off having his Father create the influence. If you're killing his father off, then it could be an old family friend of his giving his deceased friend's child a second chance.[/color] 3. This one might be a bit more difficult. I felt that simply getting into the Arcane University would jut be the easiest way for Malakaus to get something of a magical education. Alternatively could I say that he worked as an apprentice for an enchanter from Morrowind? The enchanter could be a friend of his mother or something. And being from Morrowind could also explain how he even knows about Levitation. [color=#842525]Turns out the Arcane University is the [i]hardest[/i] way to gain a magical education, not the easiest. The Apprentice route is much easier, and works with his backstory well, especially in regards to knowing about Levitation. Still going to have to refuse a Scroll of it though.[/color] 4. And yeah the last sentence is just suppose to be an easy way to explain why he would be found wherever the current plot is. "Off looking for clues about this spell" could lead him anywhere, even to the gates of oblivion. I would say he's heading to kvatch simply because that's where he thinks he can find a lead. He probs wouldn't, but it's a start. [color=#842525]I think for someone without much experience out in the real world, it would be very fool-hardy of him to go off without a destination in mind. A suggestion my Co-GM came up with is that he is travelling either to or back from the Mages Guild in Leyawiin. While not a member of the Guild, information and libraries are open to the public. As Leyawiin holds the School of Mysticism (The closest school to Levitation) He may have gone there in search of more information. Either there or back, when he reaches the crossroads between Leyawiin, Kvatch and Imperial City, survivors or onlookers may tell him of the news of what has happen in Kvatch. He may then choose to journey there, and meet up with our group. Mere curiosity is a good enough reason.[/color] As for the crossbow I'll admit the idea I had for Malakaus is that he fights in heavy armor, uses a spiked shield for offense and defense, and a crossbow he made himself (forgot to mention that tidbit) to have a range option. My other idea is basically a cross between a shield, crossbow, and spear, but I don't know if that seemed too crazy for you. [color=#842525]Going to say "no" to making his own crossbow. Too detailed, and too complicated for a Journeyman of Smithing. Have him find it some other way, and my previous comments about it's specialities still stand. As for your hybrid weapon - you were right to assume it's craziness.[/color] As for his skills Malakaus knows how to use a sword, yeah, but he's only received basic training. Unlike the others he never actually fought in live combat before as he went to become a smith after basic training instead of benign sent on patrols and fighting bandits and such. He has hand-to-hand skills since that's what he relied on most as a child, and what he continues to rely on as an adult. [color=#842525]At the very least make him a novice in one-handed blade. One doesn't spend 7 years in the Imperial Legion without learning how to use a sword. Also, the skill is listed as "Marksman", not "Archery". I've done this so it encompasses all types of ranged weapons - a crossbow is different to a bow, after all.[/color] And finally as for the amulet it was kinda the point about his father. He was deemed "heretical" by the other orcs, not only for taking a human for a first wife but also for being less macho and more cunning. Of course this doesn't please Malacath, which is why his tribe was attacked. [color=#842525]If someone - like your character - worshipped Malacath, it would be very unwise to go against his teachings. His teachings include not being sneaky. Hence my comment - it's not about other Orc's beliefs, but Malakaus' beliefs.[/color] [/quote]