[center][h2][color=39b54a]Juana Perez[/color][/h2] -[u]Zephyr Strip - Sawsbuck’s Coffee[/u]-[/center] [hr] The Shuppets scattered wildly, some toppling to the ground due to the strength of the Dragon Rage (probably the most overpowered move in the early game). The Porygon-Z began to spasm as three orbs of energy appeared around it, firing erratically at its assailants. One orb hit one of the Conkeldurrs, badly poisoning it. Thankfully, that Conkeldurr had the Guts ability, so it was only more furious as it swung its concrete pillars around to Knock Off the Shuppets. "Skorupi, help those Conkeldurrs," Juana ordered. The scorpion Pokémon skittered up the back of the other Conkeldurr, jumping on its concrete slab, and reaching out to nip a Shuppet with its mandibles. Juana focused her attention back to Porygon-Z; its colors flashed again, signaling another Conversion attack. It was now a dark green. It was able to bear the whirlpool, which meant... "It's a Grass type now!" Juana called. "Steenee, enough with the Razor Leaves! Rotom, back in the toaster!" Rotom sparked and zipped through the air, before taking control of the toaster oven once more. Its eyes blinked open, and its electric mitts rubbed together in glee. "Rotom, attack!" Juana shouted. Rotom floated into the air and strafed side to side, firing off miniature thunderbolts to dizzy the Porygon-Z's attention. Rotom, with a flash, appeared directly over the eye of the whirling vortex. Rotom's door opened up, and from the heat coils belched a 430°F inferno hot enough to bake a toaster pastry... and a digital Pokémon. Meanwhile, the Shuppets were scattering, panicked, fleeing the sound of the roaring Growlithe and Shinx. Honedge, too, was warding them off, but it was beginning to show signs of tire. It was using Shadow Sneak so many times in a row, after all, and there were a [i]lot[/i] of Shuppets. Porygon-Z came out of the Overheat attack singed, but it wasn't done yet. It flashed and turned a gleaming silver - Steel type. Rotom was too tired to let out another burst of flame, and Porygon-Z caught it in mid-air with a Thunderbolt. Juana ran to catch Rotom. "Shoot, I don't have anything to hit that guy with," Juana muttered, calling Rotom back to its ball. [hr] [hider=Notes]-TP: HHG +1, post +1; total: 42 [hider=Inventory] -Poké Ball x5 -Great Ball x1 -Potion x2[/hider] [hider=Pokémon] -Steenee Lv. 12 -Corphish Lv. 7 -Skorupi Lv. 3 -Dewpider Lv. 4 -Togepi Lv. 4 -Honedge Lv. 1 (winded) -Rotom-Heat Lv. 11 (Sp. Atk -2) [/hider] -Interaction with [@Dusksong]'s Cillian and [@Silver Fox]'s Tora[/hider] [hr] [center][h2]Charlotte Carver[/h2] -[u]Central City[/u]-[/center] [hr] "Legendwatch? Hmm, okay, cool. Legendary Pokémon are pretty interesting, though in the end, a Pokémon's a Pokémon, huh?" Charlotte remarked. "What we make of 'em, I suppose depends on what we think, where we come from, all that." As Jason left, Charlotte waved. "Yeah, probably see you 'round." She then turned to walk to the Poké Mart; she purchased a Poké Ball just in case she had to capture anything. Then, she started towards the bus station. "The number seven..." Charlotte mused. "Man, I really gotta get myself one of those fancy folding bikes you can fit in a bag." The buses' routes were clearly labeled, and Charlotte had a bit of time to spare before the scheduled departure time. She decided to buy a bagel while she was at the station. Charlotte sat down at one of the benches with the bagel in her lap. She unwrapped the bagel, tore off a bit, and handed the piece to Charjabug. The bug ate it in a couple snaps of its silvery mandibles. "It's pretty funny, those buses look kind of like you do," Charlotte remarked, poking Charjabug. Charjabug looked at the buses, and couldn't help but note the similarity. Charjabug turned back up towards Charlotte and nodded, giving an accordion-like hum in response. [hr] [hider=Notes]-TP: post +1, purchase -5; total: 2 [hider=Inventory] -Poké Ball x1[/hider] [hider=Pokémon] -Charjabug Lv. 11 -Petilil Lv. 11 -Klang Lv. 11 -Golett Lv. 10 -Wimpod Lv. 10 -Crabrawler Lv. 10 [/hider] Interaction with [@LuckyBlackCat]’s Jason[/hider] CP + 1 total = 13