A sigh left Miral's lips as the chaos came to an end though her ears were painfully ringing from her proximity to the Warden's attack. She rolled her eyes at the thief's complaints, [color=firebrick]"At least he's more useful than the one sitting back and merely barking orders but only attacking once the thing is dead,"[/color] she said coolly as she got down, tying Ryfon's horse to the back of the carriage so she didn't have to lead it, though she wondered where the other girl's horse got to- Sugar, was it? How basic a name, though it seemed to fit her maturity level. Miral remounted her steed before looking at the Warden, [color=firebrick]"I'm aware we're late, but we'll make up for lost time on the open plains in Waylox, provided we don't run into brigands and thieves. Though the whole bit would go much faster if you didn't wander off in the wild blue yonder on a whim,"[/color] she said before turning her horse and starting to the front of the carriage. The horses had calmed down considerably with the current threat gone, and Ryfon urged them forward at a quick but gentler pace. Whenever they finally made camp, he was going to have to check the integrity of the harness to be sure the next time they bolted like that they didn't break it- and it was unlikely going into a canyon of dragons that they wouldn't try it again. If only it would be that long before they crossed a dragon. As the carriage made its way to the other side of the bridge, past the swirling negativity and dark energy that came out of the crag like a thick smog, though it wasn't something that could be seen or touched- Ryfon and Miral felt it settling on them like weights nonetheless-, she immediately put her hand up, wanting them to hold as she could feel something brewing. Something definitely wasn't right. She allowed them to proceed forward, and started to the think the crag was making her paranoid as the edge of the dead woods came into view- not that the view on the other side of it was much more hope-inspiring considering the war that had been raging internally in Waylox for several years now- and nothing had come to strike them. But her horse was the one to let her know she was right to be wary. Her steed reared back. forcing her to clutch her saddle not to go flying off, as the ground in front of them stirred. Ryfon stopped the carriage and stood, bracing himself for needing to actually get involved this time. The ground poured away as a skeletal claw lifted itself from the ground, nearly the size of the carriage itself. It planted itself on the ground and pushed, lifting the bony, leathery skin covered arm out of the ground, the trees to the side of the cracking, breaking, and falling as a large mass emerged from the ground, a dim red glow filling the sockets of the giant skull of a dragon. The body was nothing more than bones and the remnants of skin hanging off the sharper corners, something vague leftover pieces of its wings still connecting the different fingers of the large appendages that were stills somehow connected to its back. [color=forestgreen]"You have got to be joking.... how on earth are we supposed to fight [b]that[/b]?!"[/color] [color=firebrick]"We don't, we need to run, now! Go, go!"[/color] Miral shouted at him and he sat back down, taking the reigns and snapping them to get the horses to go while Miral threw up a firewall to try and buy them some space. The dragon took a step back but overall didn't seem deterred by the fire. It reached for her, but she moved out of the way before the claw crashed into the ground where she had just been, [color=firebrick]"For crystal sake,"[/color] she hissed as she looked at the giant beast, glancing to make sure the carriage had clearance before turning and starting after it as it cleared the edge of the woods. The dragon turned and started to come after them regardless, just like the dogs and the elephant beast- ready to kill them with no regard to any semblance of its own well-being.