As Blake spoke, Izzy reached into the fridge and grabbed a jug of orange juice, but nearly dropped it when he mentioned not running into a monster. “Uh, yeah...” She quickly grabbed a pack of hotdogs as he went to get a glass. “Unless you want to count the creepy shirtless guy I saw on the way back,” she added, placing the items on the center island before following Blake to retrieve a cup. “He was pretty hairy. Could’ve been Sasquatch in disguise.” She returned to the island as Blake started telling her about his sensei. She offered him a smirk at the irony of it as she started pouring juice into the glass. [b]“He started telling people he got attacked by a werewolf..”[/b] Izzy’s hand jerked as her attention snapped to him, trying to suppress her shock, and splashing a bit of juice on the counter. She quickly caught herself and turned the jug upright. “Well, a karate master getting mugged. Can you blame him?” she asked, doing her best to sound casual. Was Trevor’s so-called dad her brother’s sensei, or had there been another attack? “Any idea where he got attacked? And what was his name again?”