[color=darkorange][h2][center]✰ Jason Ackerman ✰[/center][/h2][/color] [color=darkorange][h3][center]Location: Central City[/center][/h3][/color] [@ToadRopes] After getting his Pokemon healed, Jason let out Iliana and Tibert. [color=darkorange]"There's been a change of plan,"[/color] he said as he made his way towards the organisation's headquarters. [color=darkorange]"We're going to be looking into a different legend."[/color] Tibert seemed indifferent, but Iliana bounded along, letting out enthusiastic yips. As the automatic doors closed behind the three, Jason sneaked past the few people gathered in the lobby, hoping they hadn't seen him in his less than presentable state. He hurried to his room, where he showered and changed before sorting out the belongings he'd need. [color=darkorange]"Up for more adventure?"[/color] he asked, petting Iliana on the head. The fox responded with a happy squeal, while Tibert, who'd had rather enough excitement for one day, gave a mildly exasperated "Purr...". [color=darkorange]"Aw, don't you worry,"[/color] Jason said with a chuckle as he left the room. [color=darkorange]"I won't be getting myself into any more scrapes."[/color] Tibert simply gave him a look that, by now, he was used to. Once he'd explained to the group in the lobby that he'd be away for some time, Jason took a quick detour to the mart. It had been a while since he'd bought a Pokeball. He'd been so focused on setting up his guild and training the six Pokemon he had, he'd put aside his goal of catching more. Still, if he was going to become a master, this was a responsibility he'd have to take on. Leaving the mart and putting away his newest purchase, he used his Pokedex to notify other guild members of his plans, then headed towards the bus station. As soon as he arrived, he noticed Charlotte sitting at a bench, feeding a Charjabug, which had more than a slight resemblance to the nearby buses. [color=darkorange]"Ah, hey again,"[/color] he called as he took a seat. Charlotte hadn't seemed particularly impressed that he was the leader of Legendwatch, but it could have been worse. He was glad she hadn't reacted badly to his love of folktales. [hider=Jason] [b]TP:[/b] -5 +1 +1 (16) [b]Pokemon:[/b] [list][*]Vulpix (Iliana), female, lv11 [*]Snorunt (Eira), female, lv10 [*]Doublade (Agne), male, lv10 [*]Golett (Amyntas), lv11 [*]Espurr (Tibert), male, lv10 [*]Fraxure (Fraener), male, lv11[/list] [b]Inventory:[/b] [list][*]Pokeball x1[/list][/hider] [hr] [hider=CP]+1 (29)[/hider]