Riders first will - They will take s test to see if they fit into the school - Meet with the headmaster at the acdemey meeting rink - They will all go to the nesting grounds where they will find their eggs - Their eggs will NOT hatch right away you must pass a dragon care and saftey class before the eggs will hatch - The eggs shall hatch {It will take two weeks real life for your dragosn to grow to the sixze of horses where they can be ridden} - Take flight classes, Elemental mixing classes, Dragon senses classes, dragon body class, Saddle and harness making classes - Three tests are given each year to riders that can fly to test if they learned anything during these years {Flight, Fight and Sense elimination test} - Fligth test will have an instructor give you a few flying tets promps which you will have tio do. Its pretty easy no need to worry - Fight is a bit harder, this is when you have three more advanced riders and they will be going up against you. the only thing you have to worry about if getting the rider off the dragon. But also to stay on your dragon as well {Only half of people can pass it on their first go} - The last test is the hardest. this is when all your dragons senes are taken away and you are the one ti gyide them . its harder because this is the test where you two must be completely in sync which each other or your gonna be really hurt in the end.