[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#99ccff]Iris Kingston[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/27ce025b1363da5dae16a27cbf2c9c9b/tumblr_momh4yMx3U1qim9e4o4_250.gif[/img][hr]Location: Justice Asylum For The Criminally Insane: the Ludwig Building[/center][hr][hr]Iris nodded a bit, making mental notes of Cynthia's appearance. She wasn't telling Iris everything, that much was apparent. After working at Justice Asylum long enough, Iris picked up a few tricks. It was a dangerous job, of course, but Iris enjoyed it. She liked doing her very best to help those abandoned by society. It was far better than an idle life. [color=99ccff]"That must have been hard to talk about,"[/color] Iris said sympathetically. [color=99ccff]"....Valentine. Anything you say stays between us, I promise. I won't even write it down in the file."[/color] And to show her honesty, Iris put all of her pens and such away in a drawer. Yet just as Iris was about to ask Cynthia if the mysterious visitor called herself Valentine, the phone rang again. She huffed slightly, and smiled an apology at Cynthia, as she picked it up. [color=99ccff]"I'm sorry you're having to deal with this,"[/color] Iris replied to the clerk. She was a psychiatrist--she knew the ploys people used to manipulate others. Imposing a time limit was a classic one, with this entire "now or never" business. And frankly, it left a sour taste in her mouth. She was here to help Cynthia, however she could. If Cynthia decided of her own accord to leave, so be it. But she wasn't going to throw a patient out of her office for a mysterious man from the internet. [color=99ccff]"Please inform Mr. Relic that his [i]demands[/i] are understood, but I cannot and will not abandon my patient,"[/color] Iris replied. Her responsibility was to Cynthia--and not to him.