[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmQxMjM1OC5VbTl6WlhCaGR3LCwuMA,,/austie-bost-kitten-klub.regular.png[/img] [u][b]Interactions:[/b][/u] [@Ambra] [img]http://www.tamilheritage.org/old/text/etext/sidi/lblum.gif[/img] As sunlight filtered over sunset-colored fur, muscles flexed and stretched as Rosepaw gradually began to wake up. She blinked her eyes open and arched her back, claws digging into the ground beneath her as she yawned then stretched her front paws out in front of her, rump in the air and tail straight out. Muscles now warm and awake, Rosepaw shook out her fur and picked her way carefully around the other apprentices still sleeping, trying to catch the last bit of dreams before they would need to awaken and go about their day. Wolfmask had been absent from the medicine den last night so Rosepaw had elected to sleep with the other apprentices. As she exited the roots, she looked around to see the camp waking up. Some of the kits were playing, Greycloud and Silverfish were conversing with each other while they watched the kits play. As she passed them on the way to the medicine den, she gave a quick nod, nimbly moving around the tumbling kits so as to not accidentally step on them. Though, to be fair, she wasn't [i]that[/i] bigger than them a moon or two ago. Moving past them, she made her way to the medicine and ducked inside. She mewed a greeting to her mentor before she padded over to the piles of herbs that needed to be sorted and sat down. She ran her eyes over what was there, mumbling under her breath what each herb actually was and what it was used for. She had only been an apprentice for Wolfmask for a moon so there was still much to learn and a lot to remember. So she has taken to repeating the herbs and properties to herself whenever she uses them in order to help her remember. She settled down and got to work sorting. Any dead leaves or wrinkled berries that were of no use she moved to a pile to the side to be disposed of later. Everything that was still of good use to them she began sorting into their respective piles. It was tedious work but necessary. If they needed to fetch a herb quickly, neat and ordered piles were essential if it was an emergency. Soon she came across a herb she didn't remember. Her tail flicked in irritation before she took a deep breath. [color=#E6006B][i]It's not a bad thing to ask for help. If you're struggling, it's okay to reach out a paw for assistance.[/i][/color] With that thought firmly fixed in her mind, she stood and padded over to Wolfmask. [color=#E6006B]"Wolfmask? There's a herb I don't recognize, could you help me?"[/color] She then began to go into detail what the herb looked like, etc. (What the herb is can be up to you, I'm not picky) [/center]