[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/6u2tKKX.jpg[/img][/center] B A S E C A M P [img]http://sherrygideons.com/wp-content/themes/flexsqueeze150/images/dividers/square-dotted-grunge.png[/img] The Aeon hissed within the depths of Kains soul. Carmens arrogance only served to confirm what he knew. If she ever stepped out of line, he would not hesitate. There was nothing to gain from keeping such a person in their midst. She’d be the first to betray them for personal gain, of this he was certain. And then it was time for them to leave, to do what had been trained to do. TO kill, to fight, to do battle. “Finally.” The crackling voice of fire and madness rangout inside his head, echoing about him as he felt every bit of the impatience of his aeon. There were linked, in both mind and body. The heat of Balils rage made him warm, filled him with the same intense burning temprature of a some who gone fatally feverish. Yet to him it was nothing. He was part of the Distraction team, it suited him fine. He had never been much for sneaking around, he preferred to face things head on. And he did make for quite a spectacular distraction. F L Y I N G C O F F I N [img]http://sherrygideons.com/wp-content/themes/flexsqueeze150/images/dividers/square-dotted-grunge.png[/img] The metal heaved and bent and flexed gently as the flying machine moved through the air. Kain didn’t like flying, simply because it meant he was trapped in yet another big metal box, that could crash at any second. So, it came to no surprise to him and just a little bit of vindication, that they were hit by something. It was little comfort however as the soon began to plummet towards the ground. As the shyp hit the surface, Kain was at once relieved and disappointed that they hit water. No fire, no great crash. Just the resounding noise of metal being torn by sheer force before water flooded the insides of the transport aero-vehicle. As water hit him, he actually growled. His knives cut trough the harness like it was tissue paper and he was out of his seat in a instant. Following the light of Corrs arm, he soon find the crack. FOr good measure, he grabbed each edge and pushed, the metal creaking as it widened a little bit, making it easier for Kain to get his bulk out. O f W A T E R A N D D E A T H [img]http://sherrygideons.com/wp-content/themes/flexsqueeze150/images/dividers/square-dotted-grunge.png[/img] He hated water. He could swim just fine, but it was the antithesis of being. He was fire, water suffocated fire, it killed fire. And now he had to swim in it. Nevertheless, he did. He moved through water with only one purpose: Get to dry land, then kill everything in sight. The berserker's rage was bubbling up inside him, and he would not be able to withhold it this time. He didn’t want to. That’s when some mentioned enemies. As if the gods had decided they wanted a bloodbath, they sent him victims. “IT is time Kain. Unleash your anger. We go to work” Balils voice was suddenly eerily calm in his head. It wasn’t a suggestion. It was not a taunt. It was an order. Balils power surged with his anger as the savage, violent warrior shot like a comet towards the shore once Kain had been within the range of his comet rush ability. The others would only see a cloud of steam rise before Kain shot up from the surface of the water, his in either hand and the large main sailing trough the air as if shot from a cannon. If there was a shoreparty waiting for them, he he would right on top the closest enemy. And when he roared, Belials voice was overlayed with his own. A frenzied beasts voice boomed at almost deafening decibels. “PURGE THEM ALL!” Fire licked his skin before several foot high flames enveloped him completely, creating a shroud of heat that burned everything that got close to him. He broke out into laughter as he set out to sow dissarray and chaos among the enemy ranks who might not have been expecting their enemy to literally light himself on fire. He would engage and fight with everything he had, punching, stabbing, headbutting and kicking. A burning dervish sowing fiery destruction.