Right, I think I'm done. Probably. How's it look? [hider=Here we go] [b]Name:[/b] The AMAZING ALEXANDER, aka Alec Crow [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Nation:[/b] Dansila [hider=Appearance] http://www.pashplus.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/mcrs_20160315_003.jpg 6 foot tall, 85kg, slim build. Wears clothing as above plus black gloves with gold tips that sparkle a little too much, and a velvet top hat. Sometimes wears a red travelling cloak. His right glove's forefinger appears to be all metal, but if one inspects it closely, they would discover that the metal is in fact not a part of the glove. An even closer examination would reveal that it is made out of Talentium.[/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Cheerful, flashy, polite, and somewhat brash. These words can be used to describe The Amazing Alexander. A man who isn't afraid to take risks, a daredevil who meets adversity with a smile and a flourish. The Amazing Alexander is all of these things, but Alec Crow is different. A rather nervous careful planner blessed with quick thinking, but prone to worrying. But these two share an Achilles heel. His love of taking risks is tempered by his fear of failure, making him the first one in and the last one out. To take risks and succeed, to accomplish the impossible despite the impossible odds, these are the things that give Alexander's life meaning. Alec wouldn't settle for a life in the shadows, he aspires to be greater than that. Alexander wants renown and recognition, he wants his name to resound in all the land, from Astopol to Talze Utera. Alec wanted to be amazing, and as Alexander, he had a chance. [b]Important events in The AMAZING ALEXANDER'S origin story:[/b] [list] [*]Alec's birth, although the events after the fact are what make it worth mentioning. He never knew his parents, he only knew that they left him to the streets. A gang picked him up, taught him how to steal, treated him like their other orphans, which is to say, they treated him poorly. Nevertheless, Alec would use some of their principles to shape his own (while dutifully forgetting the rest), but his life dips further as the second most significant event in his life occurs. [*]Getting his right forefinger cut off was a bad situation, but in retrospect, it was extremely important for his growth. It taught him discretion and it taught him how to run away very quickly, 2 skills that would be absolutely essential to his life later on. He'd tried to pickpocket a particularly important, angry and armed bar patron. Long story short, he lost his finger and was abandoned by his gang, leading to his brief solo career as an unfortunate 4 fingered street urchin. The skills he learned during this stint were important for the next event. [*]Meeting his master, a retired alchemist, wouldn't have meant much to anyone else, but the alchemist took pity on the street urchin and taught him about alchemy and various miscellaneous skills, like how to hide from debt collectors. [*]Getting his Talentium finger was kind of important. The alchemist got one of his friends to make it for Alec. He got it for a pretty penny, but it was worth it. [*]Choosing his outfit may have been one of the most important decisions Alec ever made. He'd been taught how to blend in, how to be one of the crowd. But he didn't want to do that anymore. For all of his life he'd been bowing and scraping and following orders. It was time he took an identity of his own. Bright colours and ornaments to distract, with hidden pockets and tricks to confuse. Alec could be a good thief with his skills, but he knew he could be better. [/list] [hider=Abilities] Alec is capable of mixing various brews of dubious usefulness, from smoke and light bomb mixtures to fireworks, even alcoholic beverages with just a dash of sleeping drugs, he can do it all. His knowledge of alchemy also covers knowledge of various plants of dubious usefulness, although he can't really cook. Alec's natural dexterity has been tempered by a professional touch and he can pick locks and pockets with little effort, and he can even juggle quite well. He's also very good at running quickly and his reflexes combined with his paranoia gives him an uncanny ability to spot trouble, while his persona as The Amazing Alexander gives him an odd calmness in times of adversity. His greatest skill, however, is his ability to deceive. From a mix of trial and error he's managed to build a silver tongue, smooth talking angry strangers to friends and giving them the slip or a knife in the back depending on his needs. Alec's greatest feat of deception, however, is tricking people into thinking that he's not a magic user. He will claim to everyone that will listen that he is a "magician" of great skill and learning, using his alchemical knowledge to produce "magical" effects. People who know real magic can see his show for what it is, smoke and mirrors, and dismiss him as a conman and a hack. But The Amazing Alexander is, in fact, a magician. Not a particularly powerful one, and not a greatly effective one either, but he has the ability nonetheless. Alec's powers revolve around the creation and manipulation of fire, culminating in a technique dubbed Alexander's Shooting Star, which is essentially a glorified fireball. Flames he produces can be manipulated even while he isn't in direct contact with them so long as they were in a certain range. Alec can increase or decrease the intensity of his flames and even create explosions, which is the secret sauce behind his secret weapon: The gold finger. A literal finger pistol, he can load a bullet and fire it with his magic, making it a dubiously effective ranged option. It's slow to reload but can pack a punch, and he can add his magic to manipulate the damage it dishes out. Past a certain point, however, his magic becomes unreliable. Too big an undertaking can quickly make it spiral out of control, too weak and it may simply do nothing. Untrained as he is, Alec has had to use trial and error to figure out his magical capabilities and while he has power, he lacks the control to put it to use. Many a temporary home has been burned by his experiments, leading to awkward conversations with the local guard. He's decided to stick with small scale for now, and hasn't fully explored the extent of his abilities. [/hider] [hider=Important Items] [b]Gold finger:[/b] Aforementioned Prosthetic finger. Painted gold with cheap paint that glitters a little too much. Functionally a metal tube that can bend like a finger made of Talentium. It bends with his other fingers, any of them, but can 'lock' into a straight position so that it can be used as a gun, or to point something out. He has to pull it out to 'unlock' it. Enhances his magic powers. [b]Flash and smoke bombs:[/b] Mixtures of plants which, when burned, produce copious amounts of smoke or a flash of light. Stored in small balls of flammable material. [b]His gloves:[/b] Made from fire resistant leather. [b]Alexander's Special Star:[/b] A ball of flammable material coated with an oil that, when lit, changes the flame's colour. Inside the ball is an explosive mixture which, when heated (but not subjected to fire), rapidly expands and evaporates. When the fire breaches the material, the gas is spread quickly and ignites, bathing a large area in flames. Not all of the mixture evaporates immediately and can result in flaming wads of oil. If Alexander wishes to he can increase the intensity of the flames and create a truly magnificent explosion. Unfortunately the materials to create it are rare and it takes along time to make, as such he typically only has 1 at a time. [/hider] [/hider]