Oh, so we mecha musume now. Also, character back up now I guess. [hider=It's time for a Paladin'ling.] [center][img]http://puu.sh/u7hZj/aa00a14dbc.jpg[/img][/center] [i]With bright blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Jacque’s sharp features are often tempered by the gentle expression he wears. Despite his large stature, taller than many of his peers at 6’4, there’s a gracefulness to how he moves. While not as powerfully built as some others, he nonetheless strikes an imposing figure when clad in his masterwork armor. Though its gleam is still bright, the dulling at the edges shows it has survived tests of its worth. His attire is predominantly blue trimmed with gold, and serves to heighten his knightly bearing. If one were ever to see his bare torso, they would no doubt note the prominent scars there. At the center of his ribcage are five points, as if someone had attempted to plunge their hand into him. Perhaps more worrying would be the effect on his shadow. While it appears completely normal if cast in front of him, when his shadow is behind him those perceptive enough may notice jagged five points of light upon his chest. Almost as if the light is passing through the scars.[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Jacque Raynes [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b][b]Race:[/b] Human Nation:[/b] Astopol [b]Personality:[/b] Lax. From how Jacque acts, most people would likely never guess he came was raised among the upper class. He’s very much an open individual, and prides himself on being an easy person to talk with. Reserving distinction for when strictly necessary, he treats most that he meets with the same amount of respect. Admittedly it may be a bit flippant of him to do so, but respect given is generally respect returned. A guardian more than any crusader, he seeks to preserve life wherever possible and tries to show mercy to even the “monsters” of Talze Utera. As a result, he generally isn’t assigned taskings where he might be allowed to make such a decision. Even when he is, it is more likely in a support role for crusaders who are more than willing to do what needs to be done. To this, he has little objections; smart enough to understand that very few others had an experience similar to his own to shape their outlook. When pushed to take a life though, he does so with ironclad resolution. It is not a decision made lightly for him, and thus he has all the more reason to follow through with it. While never one to doubt himself, recently Jacque has found certain limits to his abilities. He practices and pushes himself daily to improve, but some things simply remain out of his reach. Unable to save his mentor from succumbing to illness, he wonders if he’ll be unable to stop others from passing. His parents grow older each day, and his friends are dispatched with greater frequency. Will he be there when he’s needed, and will his magic be enough? The full moon is also something that makes Jacque uneasy. In the days around it, he can feel a throbbing in his old scar. The wound in his shadows seems to grow a bit larger, and a sensation grips his heart. Each month those days pass without event, but it’s still something that Jacque has never grown used to. [b]Biography[/b] [list][*]At a young age it quickly became apparent that Jacque was special. He never fell sick, recovered from bumps and bruises at a remarkable pace, and grew up healthy and strong. [*]The War broke his family apart as his father joined the frontlines. He does not return when it ends, but continues to fight as the March of Light begins. The Rift Beasts are driven back, and still he does not return as Astopol turns their attention against Talze Utera. [*]A young boy by then, Jacque’s abilities are recognized. Hailed as another sign of the Goddess’ blessing, he is taken in to be training and taught by the finest Astopol has to offer. [*]Traveling from his out of the way village though, the caravan is ambushed by a handful of monsters. They hope to kill him as a way to hurt both the country and his father, a prominent crusader by now. Yet the attack fails as a separate band of Talze Uterans interfere with the ambush, buying the defenders enough breathing room. [*]Rushed to the safety of the capital, Jacque has not forgotten the events of that strange night throughout his years of training and schooling. [/list] [b]Abilities[/b] An accomplished magic user, Jacque’s specialization lies in the arts of Healing magic. Classed as a High Medic, he is capable of fulfilling most needs a squad of four other Astopolian Knights may require. With a knack for sustained magic, his effectiveness truly shines in drawn out battles where his magic can linger; repairing wounds, eliminating fatigue, and letting his comrades fight at full functionality. His talent also lends itself towards dealing with afflictions and maladies as his magic steadily burns away anything that does not belong in his patient. His magic proves to be easily identifiable though as it manifests in the form of golden motes of light, surrounding those he’s treating or falling over the area he consecrates like snow. [u]Sword Arts – Golden Lives Style[/u]: The foundation for is a meld before enhancement spells that boost Jacques performance to superhuman levels, resembling other males strengthened by Talentium, and powerful regeneration magic that holds his body together through the strain the style puts on him. It is a well-rounded style that does not dominate any particular aspect of combat, but nonetheless has a few tricks that may tip the scales in Jacque’s favor. When using the Sword Arts, his body is shrouded by a golden glow and sheds a constant trail of golden motes. The infusion of active magic provides Jacque a measure of protection against spells that would target him directly. [indent][u]Sensory Overload:[/u] Infusing his weapon with energy, a swing releases the unstable crescent at an opponent. Successful contact causes the magic to flood their systems, where it causes their senses to run amok. While technically enhancement magic, it is entirely uncontrolled and the boosts fluctuate rapidly and without any sort of pattern disorienting and crippling those affected. [u]Two Gold for the Dead:[/u] Clasping his weapon with both hands, Jacque lifts it towards the sky and releases two bright bursts of magic. Although it carries minor healing properties, the magic is meant to cleanse the undead, diseased, and other foul beings. Any “unhealthy” cells are attacked and destroyed, burning them away with holy light. [u]Benediction of Gold:[/u] A declaration that none shall fall brings forth a burst of healing unlike any other. It is merely the appearance of powerful healing magic though, and in truth is simply the bolstering of a body’s ability to heal. Accelerating it to a rapid degree, the healing magic stabilizes the process for his allies, counteracting any negative effects. Unfortunately, even the magic cannot provide all the energy and the healing of their wounds may be paid for with fatigue and exhaustion. [u]Gilded Feathers:[/u] A flare in the magic that infuses Jacque signals the preparation receive an attack. A brief bout of invincibility that would tear his body apart regardless of how fast it could recover if it lasted for more than that moment. A great flash of light accompanies the spell, a show of the energy used, and protecting him further by blinding enemies.[/indent] [b]Important Items[/b] [u]Evloga:[/u] A long staff forged of Talentium, it occasionally bears the ornate flag of Astopol when appropriate. A tool for defense, Jacque uses it mainly when holding his ground and takes advantage of its vast reach to keep his enemies at a distance. [u]Krisil:[/u] A greatsword, Krisil is only drawn when Jacque must take the offensive. The nature of his mindset when wielding the weapon means his enhancement magic tends to lean towards speed and strength rather than toughness and regeneration. [u]Fylakas:[/u] His father’s knife, also of Talentium make, that was passed onto him recently when he returned to visit his parents. A gift and tool that would hopefully keep him safe and return him to them. Perhaps it is unsurprising then, that Jacque’s magic flows to keeping him standing and withstanding blows. [u]The Goddess’ Tear:[/u] A reinforced vial that hangs from a necklace, the water contained within comes from what is said to be the holiest spring in all of Astopol. Given to him as a gift from his mentor when he left her guardianship, it’s a precious memento.[/hider]