[color=ed1c24]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/qYJsudJ.jpg[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]__________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [center][/center] Rays of sunlight had just begun to gleam off his orange pelt when Wildpaw felt the crisp Leaf-bare air around him. He opened his eyes slowly, groggily, then closed them. [color=ed1c24]"Ugh...Five more minutes."[/color] he mumbled quietly to no one in particular —as it was still too early in the morning to formulate the thought that his sister seemed to be missing. Though missed she soon became —and dearly— as the coldness of the den overpowered his ability to remain asleep. Again Wildpaw eyes fluttered open, greeted by the view of moss and roots and the presently brightening silhouettes of his fellow tribe-members around him. Though it seemed few had left their den before him, sounds of leaves crunching and soft chatter indicated that the camp was beginning to liven. All at once Wildpaw sprung up, forgetting his close proximity to the other apprentices around him. The noise alone was likely enough to wake all but the heaviest of sleepers, not to mention the grey and brown tail that had somehow founds it's way underneath his pad. The cat's yowl was followed by Wildpaw's profuse apologizing. He tried his best to contain his excitement while safely avoiding any other unsuspecting tails. Without further incident, Wildpaw reached the end of the tree's roots. His ears and nose twitched as he exited the den and emerged into the heart of the camp. He [i]couldn't wait[/i] for whatever new adventure the day held in store. Wildpaw spotted Greycloud across the camp, bathing in the sun. He started to bound over to her, before thinking otherwise. [i]He was no longer a kit, and should behave accordingly.[/i], he seemed to recall her saying the day before. Besides, she seemed to already be talking with Silverfish. Rather than bother her, Wildpaw decided he would receive their assignment for today's task from the Koa. He composed himself, then padded over to where Frostbite sat. [color=ed1c24]"Morning."[/color] he mewed to the older tom. As he waited for everyone to awaken, Wildpaw watched Streamkit and Stonekit playing, darting from rock to rock with innocent fervor.