[center][url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/008/8/b/mage_tricoreniflwen3_by_avodkabottle-d5qtwg2.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/P7KVObb.png?1[/img][/url] Location: Brittanium City - Halogen Mall Interaction:[@I-Am-X][@Amaterasu][@itano123] GM:[@Sho Minazuki] [/center] [hider=Team] [hider=Francis - Fletching] [color=f6989d]Name:[/color] Francis [color=f6989d]Species:[/color] Fletching [color=f6989d]Gender:[/color] Male [color=f6989d]Ability:[/color] Big Pecks [color=f6989d]Battle Experience: [/color] 2+1+1(4) [color=f6989d]Moves:[/color] Tackle Tailwind - inherited move Quick Attack Peck [/hider] * [hider= Maria Boadicea - Eevee] [color=a36209]Name:[/color] Maria Boadicea [color=a36209]Species:[/color] Eevee [color=a36209]Gender:[/color] Female [color=a36209]Ability:[/color] Run away [color=a36209]Battle Experience: [/color] 2 [color=a36209]Moves:[/color] Tail Whip Growl Covet Tackle [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Bag] 3 potion 3 pokeballs 1 revive [hider=Other staff Danilo drags with him] One comb One brush One big towel One small towel One scarf One pokedex One old map from Chromis One notebook with pen One makeup case small, full. One small first aid case, including bandages, thermometer and alcohol. One empty casing for berries One empty cassing for TM One rope -[i] you never know when you need it to climb out a hole you fall in[/i] [/hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0e/ee/3e/0eee3e4e9b1d28a2b8a712c1c0c76016.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hr] Danilo blinked in confusion as he could have sworn that Lucy was standing there just a few seconds ago. Looking around bewildered he caught the sight of the blue pokemon outfit she wore as it disappeared into a door, which obviously was a staff only area. But alas, that didnt matter as he sat out after his travel partner. Hearing Ruby voice after him, but not paying it attention. She would follow or stay with Ven. The young happy lady will be surely safe with the silent trainer. Briefly noting he was doing a lot more running today than usually as he went through the door as well. He was burning with curiosity and there were good chances his Eevee was probably around here as well. Holding his staff thought he was just slightly out the breath. Around the corner he went and from behind a hand reached swiftly covering his mount. His arm twitched and it was only thanks to the words that man spoke that Danilo didnt follow up on his instinct and slammed his staff into the person full force to free himself. Because really which bad guy would give a warning out about another danger? He relaxed seeing Maria as well being well and up. Voices coming floating from up the hall. Initial hack? Yup this was highly interesting. Something big must be happening? Thief of a crown jewelry?.... He was in a mall not a museum, silly him. A shady exchange of money or rare pokemon maybe? .... That was silly as well making such a ruckus would be contra productive. What could it be? [color=slategray]"You two, and the girl, just wait here"[/color] The unknown man spoke and Danilo gave a polite nod, in understanding. He looked down at Maria who shifted under his gaze but gave a nod of her own. She could feel her trainer had something to say about her behaviour. Yet, that could wait for later, at the moment there were more urgent things going on. Danilo peered after the trainer and watched him fight...well more like make a quick process with the assumingly evil doers. Dan approved of the other trainer style. It suited well with the aura of confidence that he was proving to have all right to. [color=slategray]"Alright, first, what are two young trainers doing all the way back here during an emergency?"[/color] [color=a187be]"Ah, it wasnt my intention to cause trouble in such dire moment. But alas, my run away eevee run away, in pursuit of a lead of some sort. I presume so it had been, Maria?"[/color] The last part of his words he directed to his eevee who looked sheepishly and nodded adding a soft bark. Danilo was smiling as he continued quickly to not waste time.[color=a187be]"So simply, I had to follow my heart and my pokemon. Speaking in my own name, being already here...a extra pair of hands or eyes may be from use in this intense crisis?"[/color] Danilo spoke hoping his offer of help would be accepted, or at least the man would it find to troublesome to help them find the way out the maze of hallways and let them tug along. It would be a shame if he missed the amazing mystery in front of his nose.