[hr][hr][center][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/d0dd/f/2017/050/b/4/shadestep_name_by_adparis-dazmv8g.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Interactions[/b]: [color=silver][i][i]Frostbite[/i] || [@LetMeDoStuff][/i][/color][/center][hr][hr][indent]Shadestep was idly resting in the Warrior's den - not out of laziness, more because there was nothing she felt she needed to do. She had been awake since just before sun-up, so she had gone through her waking routine already - stretch, groom, get a small bite of fresh kill, check the borders of camp for any rival cats hiding. The border check was less out of necessity and more out of habit from being put on guard duty so often during the chaos that was the fall of CloudTribe. Shadestep rested her head on her paws as she thought of CloudTribe, wincing slightly and adjusting her position as the sun hit her through the above canopy of leaves. She had coped with the huge losses of WaveTribe during the Darkest Days, but it still felt as if it had happened recently. She could vividly remember fatally injured cats returning and dropping dead as soon as they stepped into camp, she could remember the paranoia and the worry. She remembered the yowling of cats during the battle at Hare Hills. Shadestep knew she had no reason to feel as hurt as she did - she only had a paw in the battle at Hare Hills, afterall - but it still hurt. She simultaneously felt that she could have done more, and that she did all she was able to. [color=e6ac00][i]But did I? Did I truly do everything in my power..?[/i][/color] She took a deep breath. Thinking of what she shoulda, coulda, and woulda done won't save the lives already lost. She changed her focus from the internal to the external, observing the kits at they played, hearing bits and pieces of [i]Streamsky[/i] this and [i]Stonesky[/i] that, but mostly blocked them out. Rambunctious little things, kits. She smiled just slightly as she watched the other cats go about the business, walking to and fro, talking and grooming each other as they woke up. [i]These[/i] are the cats she should be thinking of, not those who died. She rested her eyes from the movement for a moment, then her gaze set on Frostbite. He looked.. tense, to say the least. She stood, stretched from her resting position, and sauntered over to the Koa, taking a seat in front of him. [color=e6ac00][b]"Good morning, Frostbite,"[/b][/color] Shadestep said politely, tail curling around her paws, [color=e6ac00][b]"How did you sleep?"[/b][/color] [/indent]