[center][h2][color=8d68ed]Jack Schreiber[/color][/h2][/center] [center] Location: Amalgum University Group: [@Broyeabro][@Alder][@Sho Minazuki][@floodtalon] GM: [@floodtalon] [hr][/center] Jack thought back for a moment. Then, he remembered back when they were reviving Pokemon, Professor Jonathan had handed out the permit to him while he was adding the fossil Pokemon to his dex. Frantically, Jack began to check all of his pockets, finding the permit underneath the color cube in his Pocket. Laughing, Jack blushed in front of the trainers. [color=8d68ed]"Ahahahaha! I forgot, I guess I had it all along. That's embarrassing..."[/color] Jack admitted to the two. Talking to them seemed to have allowed Jack's thoughts to ease, enabling him to enjoy conversing with these trainers a lot more casually without his next goal in mind. [color=8d68ed]"By the way, I'm Jack Schreiber. If you guys plan on going on ahead anyways, perhaps we could inspect the reserve together?"[/color] Jack asked the two trainers, smiling as usual.