[hider=Chief Mercenary Alexei Ivanka] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a9/6d/a5/a96da5c1f21719abca30818e9e95c274.jpg[/img] Full Name: Alexei Nat Ivanka DOB: February 9th, 2243 Appearance Description (Optional): Alexei stands at 6 foot 2 and is in fantastic shape, frankly speaking. His hair is black, short, and bristly. His armor is a combination of metal armor, an armored coat, and some pieces scavenged from power armor. His accent is western American but it has the faintest hint of Russia. He often wears dusty goggles in combat and only takes them off during business meetings. Rank: Chief Mercenary and Founder Personality: Alexei is a man bred and born for warfare. From an early age, he was constantly fighting for survival. He has trouble making personal friends but is confident in formal and business situations, making him an effective commander and businessman. He has a unique hatred for Super Mutants and an unfortunate addiction to nicotine. He winds down by working on his motorcycle, something that many are certain he killed a whole village for. Whether that's true or not is irrelevant, he doesn't care. Despite all of this he has a very defined sense of justice and morals, all of which are displayed in the AoS Code. Bio: Alexei was born in 2243 to a woman named Ivanka, a tribal. He never knew his father and apparently neither did his mother, so she simply gave him her first name as Alexei's last name. As a young child, Alexei was constantly moving around the wastes, never staying in one place for more than a week. Alexei saw the destruction of the Super Mutants first hand and a deep seated hatred of their disgusting carnage began to develop. Alexei killed his first super mutant at age 10, desperately trying to protect his mother. It was more a matter of luck than raw skill or talent, as the mutant had simply ignored him and the rifle next to him. A shot to the back of the head that knocked Alexei off his feet and killed the mutant. After that, Ivanka left Alexei at a town in the NCR. Then she left. For reasons unknown to Alexei to this day, she left. Alexei was broken and waited for his mother for years. But she never came back. He became a valued hunter and protector of the town, even at a young age but he left at 17 to take on the world. He traveled for years, doing jobs and taking names and making contacts. Through all that time he only ever got whispers of his mother and the occasional letter from her, wherever he was she always sent a letter on his birthday. As the years went by and he got more experienced, Alexei felt like he could be earning more money. So he found the Ace of Spades and began to grow it and start making jobs. Its been slow going, but soon a huge investor will have a job for the company that could put them on the map... Equipment(Whatever you think is relevant gear wise): - Alexei's Armor - Modified Winchester Rifle - Colt 1911 - 3 Grenades - A block of C4 and A detonator - 3 Stimpaks - Pack of Cigarettes[/hider]