Still WIP, but I figured I should let you guys see if there's anything wrong with what I wrote so far [img][/img] [b]Faction Name:[/b] The Confederation of Nuraen [b]Alias[/b]: Nuraen. Southlands [b]Government Type:[/b] Elective Monarchy. The Monzhir Shah is elected by the high ranking members of the Cult of the Seven. [hider=Species:] -[i]Humans[/i] The men of Nuraen are a tall and dark skinned folk with black hair and eyes. They prefer bright, colorful clothing and the nobles are known to be a ostentatious and vain lot, covering themselves in make up and jewelry even when going to war. Wealth, after all, is supposed to be shown off. [i]-Orcs and Beastkin.[/i] Living in the northern edges of the Confederation, the Orc tribes roam the deserts. Raiding their neighbors for loot and slaves to sell in the great markets of Nuraen or to sacrifice during the holy festivals of the Septet. Beastkin also dwell in the Confederation, but unlike the Orcs most haven't accepted the Cult of the Seven. As a result they are being steadily hunted down. [/hider] [hider=Territory Details] In the coast, they live in cities and small fishing villages. The ports of Mistrahr, Logathur and Tarufang are the Confederation's links with the world outside Nagath. And the gateway that allows the valued incense, myrrh and dyes that move the coastal economy to reach the markets of the wider world. In the interior the land is dry and hot. The territory of nomad tribes and oasis towns. Qanats dot the land where aquifers can be found, watering vast farms and mines worked endlessly by slaves that toil to feed the Confederation and care for the select trees and plants that are able to thrive under the unforgiving sun of Nagath. [/hider] [hider=The Septet] The Cult of the Seven is the major (and sole allowed) religion of Nuraen. The Priests of the Septet were the main driving force behind the unification of Nuraen and ever since then, the Cult is the single most powerful organization within the Confederation. The basis of Septet doctrine is the existence of seven powerful spirits (Devas) created by the cosmos itself to rule over it. Each one ruling over a particular aspect of existence. With the mightiest of them being Baal Nereth, the Deva of glory and rulership. This Deva is represented by the sun, peacock and the lion. The other six Devas are: -Baal Marmuleth, Deva of Knowledge and Mysteries. Whose sacred animals are the cat and the serpent. Baal Marmuleth also takes the All Seeing Eye as a symbol. -Baal Sorath, Deva of Life and Death. Whose sacred animals are the panther and the cow. Children, dead bodies, food and the sexual act are also representatives of Baal Sorath. -Baal Cefer, Deva of War. Whose sacred animals are the bull and the boar. Armor and weapons are also used to represent Baal Cefer -Baal Hadad, Deva of Crafts. This Deva has no sacred animal and its symbols are instead the tools of the artisan. -Baal Arshan, Deva of Domination and Subjugation. This Deva is represented by chains, slaves and the whip. -Baal Lopesh. Deva of the Waters. Represented by water, fishes and sirens. Below the Devas, there are a multitude of lesser spirits. Dryads, fairies, genies, ascended heroes, revered ancestors and the like who inhabit the world. Either serving one of the Seven or simply causing mischief. The Seven are worshiped through the entire Confederation, from small family altars dedicated to a particular one to massive festivals held in the temple complexes of the great coastal cities, during which hundreds of slaves are sacrificed to fuel the blood magic of the Cult. The Cult demands total loyalty from the masses, collecting tithes from both peasant and noble alike. Either in goods, coin or children. Besides owning vast properties and political power within Nuraen, the Cult also fields its own army; the Spagh-i-Nisg (The Glittering Army) an elite force of soldiers trained since childhood to fight for the Septet and empowered by their alchemy and magic (OOC: Something akin to magical steroids). Priests and Priestesses of the Seven are usually accompanied by squads of the Glittering Host as they scour the countryside hunting for heretics. The Cult is also the only organization that is authorized to deal with magic inside the Confederation. Anyone with even the minor magical or alchemical talent is either under the employ of the Septet or being hunted down as a dangerous heretic and outlaw. The wizards and alchemists of Nuraen are known for their skill in reshaping the flesh, making stronger or fairer. And the multitude of concoctions developed in the secretive laboratories [/hider] [hider=Faction Description:] An union of (dozens?hundreds?what's the scale of the map?) of different polities, the Confederation is kept united by their shared faith in the Seven and the threat posed by their neighbors. Each of the Shahs, Sultans, Satraps, Emirs and Chieftains of Nuraen rules their own fief with autonomy and very little oversight from the capital. As long as they pay their taxes to the Crown and the Cult, and provide soldiers for the [i]Spah-i-Favr[/i] (The Royal Army), they are left mostly alone by the Crown. And that suits everyone just fine. As the Cult has no wish to be challenged by a strong monarchy, nor the nobles want their power even more curtailed by a strong central authority. [/hider] [hider=Faction History:] [/hider] [hider=Important Characters] -Azlak Jamshidzhade Keknu. Shahanshah of Nuraen. Satrap of Tar-Bayfals. -Quraj Jamshidzhade Keknu. Satrap of Tar-Mehreen. [i]Nuraen-i-Spahbod[/i] (Equivalent to Marshal). -Itani Doaid. High Priestess of Baal-Nereth. Head of the Septet High Conclave. -Tamrish il-Benid. Emir of Al-Harish. [i]Nuraen-i-Spahbod[/i] -Nerose Lodi. High Alchemist of the Mistranir College. [/hider] [hider=Relations to other Factions] Constant conflicts with the Brass Republic. Intense raiding and counter-raiding punctuated by major campaigns once in a couple of decades. Anyone else want to suggest something? [/hider]