I'm getting old now and I still have all 4 of my wisdom teeth. Anyway, I heard the actual procedure doesn't hurt much, but it hurts AFTER. Like 12 hours after. Which sounds a lot like my tongue piercing - when I got it, it didn't hurt much at all. But the day after, my tongue swelled up and it hurt to chew food. Anesthesiology is a very safe and well-studied science, Squee. Your greatest risk is probably asphyxiating on your own vomit from the anesthesia, which is why they probably asked you not to eat for several hours before your procedure. I was rushed to the hospital once for doing something bad and I was moving around so much that they couldn't attach the ECG/EKG to me and get a reading of my heart. So they had to sedate me by injecting me with something that made me go snooze. I woke up what seemed like 5 minutes later, except it was the morning after. [quote=Mahz] I had a great experience.My wisdom teeth were removed at the end of my senior year of highschool. Totally stoned on painkillers for that whole month. I hardly remember it.Here's a pic taken during that zombie phase:It'll be okay. [img]http://i.imgur.com/UxA72r2.jpg[/img] [/quote] Those are considered your front/incisor teeth, the wisdom teeth are in the back, Mahz.