[color=orange] [h2]Landvarian[/h2] [/color] [hr] Landvarian heard the insults and rolled his eyes. he was used to them by now. Probably why he never spoke to anyone. He waited for the chains to come off along with the gloves and rubbed his wrists. He proceeded to stride out of the room and stand outside. He didn't have anything else but what was on his body. Worn pants and wraps that covered part of his feet. He blinked at the light and closed his red eyes. No matter why he was outside...at least he was. Large ears flicked as he took in everything. He wondered briefly what the others would bring. [i]Must be nice to have to pack[/i] He shook his head and sighed. [i]I could always pick up something on the way.[/i] That was a plan. Then again if he got caught...[i]Manipulation mayhaps[/i] He flicked his ears and silently waited for the rest of the group.