He couldn't listen to their lies. Surrounded by aliens as a human only meant one thing: they were about to kill you. Plus, they were all armed. Ellis could put two and two together, and began overclocking the servos on his right arm. His pumped faster and faster, so sure was he that now was the time for fight or flight. And Ellis never flees. The Quarian in front set his shotgun aside. as soon as the Quarian's Omni-tool came online, Ellis whipped his sidearm off its holster and raised it in a snap, sight zeroed in on the Quarian's head. Ellis spoke slowly, uncertain if the aliens would understand him. "I would very much like an explanation as to what is happening here. If I do not recieve an explanation, I will be more inclined to shoot this fellow. I do not want to, but I am extremely-", the overclocked servos caused his shoulder to twitch, "uncomfortable with the current state of affairs." [i]click[/i] Went the safety. [i]hummmm[/i] Went the fabricator. "So... folks... I want an explanation, and I want it from... The Batarian." To his suit, after muting his external speakers, he spoke a series of code words. "[i]NERO, look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.[/i]" His left forearm opened up, a plate sliding out of place, and a small, fat black disc fell into Ellis' left hand. He scooped his thumb in the pin, ready to unleash hell. He fortified his barriers, and spoke again, hoping the fear didn't show in his voice, the fear he was forbidden to feel. "I want to be peaceful. I really do."