[hider=The Pinkest Disaster You'll Ever Meet] [Center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2e/0d/75/2e0d7566365363ee17da64a657a4babc.jpg[/img] [i][b]"I got pink hair and like to cause trouble, that's why they call me PinkDizaster.[/b][/i] [i]- PinkDizaster, explaining his name to the Sunrise Crusaders.[/i] [b]-NAME-[/b] PinkDizaster (Pink for short) [b]-AGE-[/b] 15 [b]-KEYBLADE- [url=http://orig01.deviantart.net/0988/f/2012/204/9/d/my_custom_keyblade_blk_and_white_by_netnavidarko415-d58a1fy.png]Nameless Blade[/url][/b] [b]-FIGHTING STYLE-[/b] PinkDizaster doesn't take a whole lot of things seriously and fighting is no exception. He stays relaxed and light on his feet when fighting never staying in one spot to long. Most the time he doesn't even attack just moves around maybe chatting to opponent or thinking about what he's gonna do after the fight. If he does end up on the offensive he'll fight in a way so his opponent won't be able to predict his moves. Sometimes he won't even know his next move it'll just happen by nature. When fighting he'll use his surroundings to his advantage it's getting the high ground, or picking something up and using it. This is what makes his movements in a fight different from the last because all depends on where he is and what's around him. [b]-BACKGROUND-[/b] PinkDizaster had a real name of course, its just he can't remember it. So as time went on people gave him the nickname Pink Disaster which he then put together and swapped the first S with a Z. He first did this name change when he scribbled it on the side of a building in paint, and of course was later caught by the Sunrise Crusaders for causing trouble. If you asked him to this day about who or where his parents were he would just shrug his shoulders. The truth is he doesn't actually remember his family, but the only thing he remembers was waking up in "his" room in "his" bed not remembering what happened the night before. All his life he has been prone to causing trouble and just can't seem to stay away from it, maybe he liked the attention it got him? That's what most people thought about it. [b]-PLOT HOOK-[/b] Throughout the Rp I would like Pink to discover more about his past. [/Center][/hider]