"We're an odd bunch. Krogan, Geth, you have any idea why we're here?" Ellis began whittling a stone with his Omni-blade, in this case, a Vorcha sabre. "You think I can make this look like me?" He hoped to distract them, in order to achieve some sort of reading into their personality, and more importantly, their capability. The Geth seemed peaceful, timid, almost. Center of gravity: high in the chest. Armor was weakest in the rear. The Krogan was authoritative, like a cop. He wouldn't hesitate to fire if things got violent. High value target. The Turian, heterochromic. Ellis had heard of a heterochromic Turian. One of the few Turian biotics. He was trained, militarily, and naturally, would be ready to use his abilities. High value target. The Quarian seemed to be a scientist of some sort. He'd set down his shotgun. His primary weapon, he'd surrendered. He'd be the first to die unless this display was contrary to his typical behaviour. Low value. The Asari seemed foolish, but also trained. She moved with an amount of military grace that indicated a decorated history, despite her blunder. Maybe it was a bluff. If so, she was much smarter than Ellis gave her credit for. This would have to be reviewed. The important thing was, if Ellis called up the old husks, he'd be able to find out firsthand who was really good enough to be here. But would that be rude? A conundrum, if ever there was one.