[h3][center][color=#BD3EC2]N[/color][color=#B344C2]o[/color][color=#AA4BC2]x[/color] [color=#9759C3]A[/color][color=#8E60C4]l[/color][color=#8467C4]i[/color][color=#7B6EC5]g[/color][color=#7275C5]n[/color][color=#687CC6]m[/color][color=#5F83C6]e[/color][color=#5589C7]n[/color][color=#5F83C6]t[/color] [color=#7275C5]C[/color][color=#7B6EC5]e[/color][color=#8467C4]r[/color][color=#8E60C4]e[/color][color=#9759C3]m[/color][color=#A052C3]o[/color][color=#AA4BC2]n[/color][color=#B344C2]y[/color][/center][/h3] [sub][@Rtron],[@Lucius Cypher], [@May], & [@Luna][/sub] Darell looked at Helena as he studied her expression. Inwardly, he debated on if she was overcautious or seriously cold hearted when she wanted to avoid going into the darkness. If it was the latter, then god of ‘evil’ became impress at her dedication to self preservation rather than following the school’s helpful nature. He partly wondered if he had added to the decision being considered as his head turned to the direction. Deep down he, faintly, knew what was happening. None of the students, much like the ones here, had been slaughtered. At least until they fully emerged within the Nox and now several groups had been set upon by the inhabitants. Currently, the group that they had detected had issues with a nitemare which was ripping them apart. Already a single student had been impaled and her life slowly dripped from her corpse, shocking the others into nearly getting trampled. At this rate, they wouldn’t last much longer. They were easily killed that for a moment, Darell wondered what Ren saw in these mortals. Feeling Colette eyeing him, he turned his eyes onto her. That’s when she pulled out her rapier and his figure jerked from the way, avoiding getting slice as it narrowly miss. He gave her a glare telling her to watch where her blade was flipped out at. By this time, Annabeth had decided to speak her own thoughts with a heroic intention behind it. Sadly, Darell knew her solution would get her killed no matter if she had encountered one on the surface. Naturally Athalus whined about them not listening, but couldn’t leave them to their death. “For some reason, and I don’t know why, you all don’t trust me. That’s fine because I know not to count on you to keep me alive so I’ll take my chances with the other group,” with that, Darell then bolted off down the tunnel. [center][h3]Uncovering Shadows[/h3][/center] [u][color=pink]Lyn,[/color] Hysteria (Djarkel)[/u] Ripppp! Lyn was sure which surprised her more, the fact she got a cheap shot in or that the vampire’s fabric came away so easily. The seam held no resistance when the plant snared a piece and gave it a hard tug, resulting in the psychomancer being distracted. The vampire confusedly glanced down to spy the imperfection in his clothing before a sharp, attention getting ring literally called everyone’s eyes to snap toward the source. Her figure twisted around with a smirk at seeing the Baron, Baroness and their son glide into the room. The speech had been to the point and an adapt thanks to the god responsible for the vampiric nature they all carried with proud. From the corner of Lyn’s vision, she watched the psychomancer immediately excuse himself. His lithe figure retreated so quickly in shame that she almost felt terrible about what she had done. However, deep down she knew if she didn’t then Keri would’ve likely done something irreversible for the College’s reputation. This why she hated politics. They were so shady and no one really won within them, a fact she regretted about this mission. While they waited patiently to approach the Baron, Lyn skirted to Keri’s side,[color=pink] “That was a close one. Are you alright?”[/color] When she got her answer, she nodded in understanding then noticed that Ssarak had stepped up toward the family. Gesturing to the Eysire’s back, her head nudged for Keri and herself to follow suit,[color=pink] “Try not to be a fraidy cat.”[/color] Her tone was teasing and playful before she fell into Ssarak’s wake, her figure tried to mimic grace and politeness. The armored guards, with their thicker frame and tall stature, made her a bit nervous since they looked poised to attack at any moment. Her breath held in her chest while she tried to relax on her way through. Her head rotated from one to the other until their host’s voice caught her attention and unofficial leader replied, kindly addressing the Baron and his family. He was rather elegant with words compared to how she, herself, often stumbled over them. Instead of taking the spotlight from him, Lyn allowed herself to meld into the background as the Eysire handled the politics. He seemed to be in his element after all. [h3][center]Diplomacy at Yarosmere[/center][/h3] [u][color=lightcoral]Mar,[/color] Sansar (Yarsomere): Underground Cave~Unknown Location[/u] Naturally, Mar ignored anything that Baulder had done. His avoidance of her did little to hurt her and only put her on higher alert, her fingers hovered near her bone weapon in order to be ready to defend herself. However, when mention of the Naga reached her ears… all color drained from her face. Her irises wavered and continued to stare at Sahra in obvious disbelief. It couldn’t be real. Her heart sank while her mind struggled with the correct emotions surfacing into her attention. Anger… fear, worry, and more battered at her very core until it fell to the ground, batter and beaten. A familiar sting edged to the corner of her eyes where a slight blurriness began, held by pure will. Her eyes averted to the nearest wall where they avoided to be seen preventing tears from bleeding across her face. Her eyelids promptly shut, then opened again. Any emotion abruptly shy behind a wall, one she knew very well, as she tried to hold it all in. Emotions wouldn’t help her now and merely tossing a temper would get very little done. Any addition questions turned to ash in her dry throat and she remained frozen to the spot, unable to bring herself to move or she might never stop. Her heritage was gone now. Nothing left of her roots and that meant her daughter would never have a chance to learn what it was like to be a Naga, part of her culture completely wiped from Tiien. The reality of everything that Athalus had argued about slapped her fully in the face leaving a sickening sensation to linger. Gradually she stirred then began to move silently off toward wherever someone indicated an exit.