[@Atrophy] Well one big reason why I would start a new roleplay, continuing this one story, would be to make these aliens feel more like living sentient beings with personalities and cultures, rather than the "them and us" type of vibe. So would I want to possibly create an alien character? Yeah, I thought about it, it would be very interesting. I have also thought about making Pseudo playable, although I am moreover leaning on him being a NPC, but I don't know he could really be quite quirky with a personality chip. But, it might be better to talk about this more in the future. Like I said in my last post hell's about to break loose. Why? Blame Echo, and her future is not looking too bright. Remember she already offended the Principality in the throne room, Benji saved her by reminding them that only the Divine Regency can accuse someone of heresy, not the Principality. Yet now, it looks and seems that she helped Rend escape. Why does it look like she helped him escape? Wait for my next post, it will all make sense. Also, that means a lot since I really do put my heart into this. As GM of course I have a special bond with this RP and with this story, but that is because of the people that made it possible. Time after time again I have browsed through the interest check, admitted my interest for another roleplay to later have to PM the GM, telling them that I will not be joining because I have something very special going on with [b]this[/b] roleplay. And like I said, it is not the story necessarily that has drawn me close, it is the writers. I have had more of the fear that I will rub off as a bossy or demanding GM when I'm always asking about a collab post, though I have also made the effort to be very understanding. Such as for the most part of December, I was okay with there being a long silence within the RP, that is understandable the holidays are stressful. And if you ever just need to take a break because you possibly cannot manage work or school while also participating in a roleplay, just tell me that going through a tough time and need to pause. Eru Iluvatar did that and I was totally fine with it, he didn't roleplay for a while but came back. And that epic plot twist of Rend's return would not have been possible if he didn't take a break.