Gin was busy training in a wet field on the outskirts of Kirigakure and he wondered how much longer it would be until he received an invitation to partake in the upcoming chunin exams. He was practicing his Eight Dragon Head technique and had a large red dragon head sticking out of his shoulder. It was giving a growling noise and blowing smoke out of its nostrils. He couldn't make it use his fire release techniques, but he would train hard to achieve the goal. With a swift motion of his arm he had the monstrous head slam right into a practice dummy and smash it to pieces. He then focused on creating a second head and succeeded. He then broke two more dummies with both heads. Gin proceeded to create a third head and used them to destroy another three of the dummies. Finally he tried to make a fourth head, but no matter how hard he concentrated his chakra just was not great enough to summon the fourth head. This was frustrating to him and he wanted to go further, but right now he was at an obstacle that he would have to overcome. It frustrated him, but he would have to keep training as hard possible. It wasn't too long after he finished practicing with his bloodline technique that he got his letter of invitations to take the chunin exams. He was excited to have the chance to move forward with his shinobi career and also interested in fighting ninja from the other villages to see how strong they were. "Five days until it starts huh? I guess I'll have to be prepared as I can be and go kick some butt" he said with a smile as he went back in the direction of his home to start getting rid for his journey.