Perhaps this meant that Sparhawk was slowly building up an immunity to the ugly dog's germs? Mira wondered what would happen if this failed, and in her mind she pictured a few different outcomes; one being that Big Brother would eventually turn into a frothing werewolf. The little girl scrunched up her nose in disgust and shook her head. [i]Ew[/i]. Hopefully that would never happen because she actually liked Sparhawk and the idea of locking him up in a cage and feeding him through bars sounded much to complicated her the little girl to wrap her head around. Thankfully Sparhawk began talking about a different subject altogether and Mira had to pay close attention to absorb what he was saying, quickly forgetting about her imaginary scenarios. "Saving?" she parroted. Now that was something she categorized as a luxury, being that she couldn't afford to do it nor did she often find herself with enough coins in her possession to even consider the idea. In that case it seemed today was going to be her lucky day. Mira looked down at her share of the pile and pondered. "But where do I keep it?" Little knick-knacks or whatever she collected were one thing, but even at this age she knew that this was much more important and therefore would would require more effort than her usual hiding spots. An idea popped into her head and Mira pointedly gestured to the little box Sparhawk had just stashed his coins into. "Can I put mine in there too?" Ironically, despite being able to comprehend the importance of currency, she completely missed why this would be a bad idea. Sparhawk was a still total stranger and who knew what he could be up to. And yet, Mira saw no problem with trusting him. "Please?" she added, trying not to forget her manners.