[@1Hawkeyes] Reaper had crept up through the building to the roof, finally laying eyes on his target, hunched by the edge with his back to Reaper. He couldn't just draw his pistol and shoot the bastard, the noise would alert the Russians below. The knife it was. He made his way forward, slowly at first, then paused suddenly, the Lancer was sighting up, time to move, he whistled to grab the sniper's attention, and caught him off balance in the shock of the moment, sinking the knife into the exposed gap between his shoulder pads and helmet. He dragged the body back out of the way, then moved back to the edge to wave to Agent, giving her the go ahead. He trusted her to handle herself for the moment, and went back over to the body to search it for intel. He noticed a radio transceiver embedded in the helmet, but he couldn't access it in his limited window. One final pass uncovered a cell phone in a back pocket, a wireless transmitter plugged into the headphone jack. It's screen lit up with texts from unknown numbers giving a green light to begin the mission. Suddenly it began to buzz with an incoming call, shocking Reaper slightly. He pulled out the transmitter and answered the call. "Alpha-One report" a distorted voice stated. Acting fast, Reaper bunched up the neck of his shirt and pushed it into his mouth, hoping it would give a similar effect. "Engaged" Hoping that would suffice, he listened with bated breath. A click and the line went dead, could mean anything really. The bang of a gunshot coming from below rocked Reaper back to reality, he snatched up the sniper rifle and rushed back to the edge. He spotted Agent crumpling up a gun in her hands. The girl was strong, seemed like she was handling things quite well, but one of the punks had gotten behind her unnoticed. He quickly sighted up, and prayed no one moved too fast. He fired, aiming for that sweet spot right at the crown of the head. Unfortunately, his target shifted at the last second, and the bullet embedded itself into the thug's right shoulder. Either way, the desired effect was achieved, he went down screaming. Reaper waited, gun raised, scanning both the nearby rooftops for any sign of a secondary Lancer, and battle below for chances to assist.