[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/AI6Tx7L.jpg[/img][/center] Be it a [i]run-down[/i] place like this or a fancy-schmancy apartment somewhere in the better districts of Neo Babylon: for Vivian, it was all the same. She was, after all, just a 17 year old not girly-girl with her very own charms. It came to no surprise that the room she was now in wasn't exactly...inviting. If not for Mom checking on her regularly the place wouldn't probably have been any different from a dumpster. So, in the end, what good would more square meter living area do for her? Nothing. Thus, Vivi had her very own reasons for not moving from this sanctuary. Not to mention the free food she was capable of grabbing nearly every morning. Sure, it wasn't junk food but at least she didn't need to waste time going out of her way to buy anything in the first place. ... In the end - with Warthog nowhere to be seen - Vivian had to rely on one of Bablyon's fancy taxis. It was here that it became apparent that Vivi's morals were a bit...skewed. She didn't want to hack inside a game to make it herself easier; but abusing the fact that the even more expensive yellow ride was managed completely digital, making it a ease for her to not have to pay anything, seemed to be a completely fine act. Ignoring most of the surroundings, Vivi was busy just playing more video games as sooner or later her drive finally arrived at their destination. Well, not exactly in front of it as just in the most rare of cases the purple-hair didn't want to get the capitalist into any trouble, but close enough. It had always been Gramps to deal with this place and it was truly Vivian's first time here, however, Vivian could not deny her surprise. Even from [i]outside[/i] where she was. The hacker had stalked enough fat rich people that she thought a place like this wouldn't manage to make ger gasp in awe. Boy was she proven wrong. It was not until after Cash's explanation and the chicken-show that Vivian just shook her head. While not disgusted at the scenery, she just couldn't comprehend why the man had to use a chicken instead of just explaining. Then, the explanation itself, while it could have very well been a Nightmare it also sounded right like out of a indie horror game. Heck, Vivian even put a small smile on her face upon that thought! Regardless, Vivian actually had a legit question. [b]"Did you try experimenting with a camera?"[/b]