[hider=Light] Name: Light Codename: [color=00aeef]"Just Light works. Unless someone comes up with a nickname I REALLY like."[/color] Age: [color=00aeef]"When asked I either say 24, or just say old. You lose track of time in the Void."[/color] Gender: Female Appearance: Light is a 5"6 tall pure white humanoid figure with a thin pear shaped frame. She has an overly large spherical head with short blue hair, no visible nose, very large black and yellow eyes, fin-looking ears, serrated beartrap like teeth, and an incredibly thin neck. She wears a blue tanktop with skinny biceps leading to larger forarms which flow into her nearly cartoonishly big hands which have long claw-like fingers attached to them. She has wide hips, which look even bigger due to the thin white dress like thing she has which covers her back down to her lower knees and covers her front down to her kneecaps, with the front having an M cut taken out of it. Her legs look normal, short of her having no feet, instead having her lower leg come to a sharp point where her foot would be. Costume: [color=00aeef]"Costume? Why would I need one? Spandex doesn't work with my regeneration. Worse comes to worse I'll just wear a big trench-coat in public."[/color] Powers/Abilities: [hider=Void Demon] [b]Void Bound:[/b] Being bound to the Void means that Light is considered 'empty' when visiting a world of reality. This makes her immune to reality warping attacks on a small scale or ones that directly harm her and makes general power dampening do nothing. She is also greatly resistant to time based attacks, and if attacked by someone on a different timeline, Light will attune herself to that timeline until the effect ends or her or the target is dead. She also has no soul, as that resides in the Void, and is immune to soul magic as a result. She is also ignored by enchantments that affect only certain groups, even if they would be beneficial to her, unless they're directed specifically at her. This means she can pick up enchanted objects that need a chosen one without being said chosen one, but gains no benefits from picking them up, and stuff like that. Though since she is considered 'empty', this also makes her very very unlucky as reality tends to dislike those that 'don't exist'. [b]Void Energy:[/b] Since Light is bound to the Void, her energy is replaced by Void energy. Void energy leaves a signel of 'emptiness' making scanning for her a bit different but still quite easy. Additionally if anything attempts to absorb Light's energy, they will instead lose their own energy at the absorption rate and be affected by Reality Siphon. This also gives her a small amount of magic resistance. Void beings are immune to the effects of Void energy. [b]Reality Siphon:[/b] Since Light is from the Void, she steals the reality of the physical world. Light gives off a 'creepy' feeling when touched as she steals away the reality of the object or person shes touching. When an object has lost some reality, it is unable to gain energy from other sources but itself until its reality is restored. When Light isn't touching something, it regains its reality back over a short period, which is faster for living objects. If an object loses all of its reality, it fades into the Void. Beings who can reality warp themselves have a massive resistance to this ability, as do massive or cosmic entities. Void beings are completely immune. This power can't be turned off and Light has no control over its intensity. [b]Regeneration:[/b] If an attack doesn't atomize Light (Or demolish her while she is affected by Silver), Light will fully regenerate from it after a short while. It doesn't matter what the injury was, even nasty ones such as having her mind shattered aren't permanent, if it hurts her and she lives through it, she will eventually 'hop back' in time to the point where she was most healthy, this happens all at once so sometimes it looks like Light just 'pops' back to a normal state. The only way to stop her from doing this is to wipe her out entirely, or bind her with Silver or attacks that do not do damage. This regeneration doesn't change her place inside space, so she'll still be in the same spot unless she was blown to bits, in which case she will regenerate from her head, or if that is unavailable, from the biggest piece of herself. She can still manipulate severed limbs for a short time after losing them unless they are severed using Iron or Silver. She doesn't age, nor does she bleed. [b]Demonic Strength:[/b] Light has enhanced strength that is tied to her emotions or determination. While she can lift quite a bit when in a neutral or happy state, she is weaker than a normal human when sad or bound by an object of reality. Since Light rarely gets angry, its unknown how strong she can become. Light also has greatly increased stamina and stamina recovery, meaning she takes awhile to get tired. Light's powers are weakened when attacking or being affected by something made of Iron or Silver, with Silver having a much greater effect. [b]Demonic Resilience:[/b] Upon taking damage from an attack, Light starts to gain resistances to whatever hurt her, and with enough damage, can become immune to attacks of that type. Physical blows take quite a while to gain resistances for, and Light can't gain a resistance to any attacks made using Silver or Iron, nor drug based attacks. If Light isn't forced to regenerate from a certain attack type after awhile, she will lose all resistances she built up against that damage type. Light's body will subtly morph to show what she is resistant to. Light can't become immune to attacks that do no damage, even if she is immune to that damage type. Light adapts quickly to surrounding terrain if its harmful to her, and will keep these adaptations until she leaves that terrain for a time. [b]Pocket Space:[/b] Light can store objects inside a space inside her dress she calls 'pocket space'. Only inanimate objects can be stored here, and she can only store things that add up to thrice her size in total. [b]Void Slip:[/b] Light can punch small personal wormholes and use them to teleport to any place in her sights or an extremely familiar place such as a base, an exit hole appearing at the spot she wants to teleport to. Should this exit hole not be placed on a solid object, Light will have a notable delay before she comes out of it. Only Light and objects stored in her pocket space can travel through these holes. These holes stay open for only a brief time. [b]Natural Weapons[/b]: Light's fingers are tipped with sharp claws that let her slash things. She likewise has sharp teeth much like a shark or piranha and feet that come to very sharp points she can use as weapons. She can't use her claws to cut things very easily though if she can't get a good windup as they aren't serrated. [hider=weaknesses] -Light takes extra damage from attacks based in reality, and due to this most attacks tend to send her flying, squash her as flat as a pancake, turn her to ash, and the like. She can also be knocked out fairly easily if she is hit with an attack she is not aware of, like if someone sneaks up on her and hits her in the back of the head or something. -Light is incredibly unlucky and usually if something bad can happen, it will. Especially if it leads to slapstick. -Light has an exceptionally difficult time escaping nets, ropes, being bound in general, and especially Duct Tape. While she can eventually work her way free of some of these, they take a crippling long amount of time for her to escape on her own. These things also negate her super strength. -Light is very weak to drug based attacks and weapons and is very easy to knockout with something like knockout gas. Though at least this means she can get drunk easily if she wants to. -Technology doesn't tend to work for Light for very long due to her Reality siphon stopping it from gaining power depending on the technology. -Light can't use a vast majority of her powers if she is sad or depressed and regenerates much slower when in such a state. -Light reacts very negatively to Silver and Iron. While she can't build a resistance to attacks made using Iron and loses some of her strength and stamina if being touched by it, Silver does that at a much greater effect, burns her, and stops her from regenerating as well. -Light tends to not take things seriously, and doesn't care about most situations in general and is more concerned with having fun and making friends. Though this also means she stumbles into traps quite often and is careless in battle unless something is actually threatening. -Unless she hates you, Light doesn't attack people unprovoked, and tends to be pretty pacifist unless she is forced to fight for one reason or another. Even then unless she feels she or one of her friends are threatened, she tends to take attacks for her friends or hug/annoy her enemies into submission. Though if shes fighting alone or told to be a distraction, she is a bit more aggressive and will fight to subdue. Just don't make her hate you. You really don't wanna have a bad time. [/hider] [/hider] Small Bio: [color=00aeef]"Well, it was clear when a cult tried to summon something from the abyss, they didn't know what they were doing. The abyss and Void are totally different things! But it did give me an excuse to see one of the physical worlds once she got summoned. And those cultists really were off put when they expected some tentacled monster, and instead got an eerily cute fishy demon thing instead. Even more so when I ignored them and followed my nose, only needing to pummel them into submission when they started to get violent. It wasn't my fault the hot dog truck outside their apartment smelt delicious..."[/color] [/hider]