Heya everyone..! So..! I've noticed [i]a lot[/i] of chatter about just how this roleplay is going to work with the four different organizations, and with the characters balancing out among them. We do have a lot of characters so far, and they are all absolutely wonderful (I shall get to them once I have finished writing this up); but do not fear..! While I will not be stopping you all from making new characters, I know for a fact that there are still more on their way. So how about I introduce you to mine; the ones who's CS' are still to come..? Meet my OC's. [center] [h3][b][i]Raelene Fawkes[/i][/b][/h3] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/152c3d324bc77f34333000cfad8b3cff/tumblr_no6pvdEkII1qj9s7go1_500.gif[/img] ✣ Soon to be member of Overwatch ✣ Cousin of Jamison Fawkes ✣ A maniac with explosives ✣ Looks up to Mako and has a hook of her own ✣ Has a habit of controlling flames (though doesn't really like the word 'control'); her ultimate ability... started quite a few wild-fires cause of it. [h3][b][i]Selena Reyes[/i][/b][/h3] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/28a228d137bb20e3fdbb3cee952be5af/tumblr_niz70sv1LM1swpcmdo1_500.gif[/img] ✣ Member of Talon ✣ Daughter of Gabriel Reyes ✣ Loves to cause chaos and trouble ✣ Lazy when it comes to picking fights with Overwatch and only does missions assigned to her ✣ Grew up with no mum; instead Widow and Sombra are the only 'mother figures' in her life ✣ Has a habit of stealing credit cards from Reaper... Widow... and Sombra... mostly cause she's bored. ✣ Also likes to fuck shit up for them if they piss her off, or break their word to her. ✣ Hates her siblings, and has no qualms about killing any of them [h3][b][i]Juliette Morrison[/i][/b][/h3] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/1350e646f144971c7317d04a2b7994e8/tumblr_nwvzge4HML1t3t6j9o1_500.gif[/img] ✣ Has ties to Overwatch, but not a member of any organization ✣ Second, and youngest child (so far) of Jack Morrison ✣ Sweet and kind and charming ✣ Blind ✣ Very musical, mostly piano and singing ✣ Code name Nightingale because of her abilities ✣ Never uses her abilities unless forced to (either by situation or person) [/center] I also have one more; male, another Aussie, but I'm unsure of a face-claim for him... Jaidyn Evans. I have a few in mind though; hm... I have a few things planned for the roleplay; archs, mini archs... though I am always looking for suggestions. Please shoot me a PM with anything you might like to do; any idea is welcome. I want you guys to remember, this is as much your roleplay, as it is my own..! I apologize for this rambling post... I shall have Hana's CS up soon for you all to look at, and I will also start popping up the accepted characters into the Character Tab. As a note; I have also noticed that there are a few characters with an affinity to drawn to fire... that's okay. Don't be too worried. It just means that we shall have either deep rivalries, friendships, and connections formed. Besides, it makes things such as training easier when there is someone there who has some sort of knowledge of that field. They will be able to help each other learn and grow. Besides... even with things like superheros, you always find duplicates, or someone with a similar power.