[center][h1][i][color=00aeef]Nico[/color] and [color=a187be]Caity[/color][/i][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/zL5d8sV.jpg?1[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/vTozJGC.jpg?1[/img] [sub]Collaboration of: [@Kyrisse] and [@Light the Dark][/sub] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Lcf39xN.png[/img][/center] Caity raised her brows as Nico came back. [color=a187be]"Done flirting?"[/color] She asked as she leaned against her door. She took a long sip from her coffee mug - no cream, one sugar - as the actor returned. It wasn't as if she was upset her left her hanging. After all, she was no movie star or model. Still, they [i]had[/i] had plans for coffee. [color=00aeef][i]Yeah, she has all the right to be annoyed at me. I did leave her so abruptly...[/i][/color] Nico thought to himself. And although there was still that feeling of wanting to talk to someone, he made an effort to focus on his friend. It was probably prudent to apologize while he was ahead. He ran a hand through his hair and gave her an apologetic smile. [color=00aeef]"I...uh...wasn't exactly flirting...I think,"[/color] a momentary look of confusion came over his face but it disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. [color=00aeef]"Anyway, sorry about that."[/color] She pointed over her shoulder with her thumb, indicating her house. [color=a187be]"There's a whole french press full of coffee inside. It's still hot, and you're more than welcome to some."[/color] The apologetic smile evolved into a genuine grin. [color=00aeef]"I'll take you up on that offer. I..."[/color] Nico's words trailed off as he watched a small colorful hummingbird flutter around right in front of him, it's beak clamped onto what looked like a small scroll. His hand automatically came up, thinking that the little bird might need somewhere to land on. It headed straight for his hand but instead of touching down onto his palm, it placed the scroll it had neatly in the center of Nico's hand. His blue green eyes widened when the scroll magically enlarged. [color=00aeef]"What is this?"[/color] he asked even as his hands were automatically unrolling the blue and green parchment. Caity reached out with her free hand, the other secure around her coffee mug. A hummingbird dropped a small scroll into her palm then fluttered off. Caity opened the pink and blue scroll, pinning one edge of it against her coffee mug and rolling it open with her other hand. [color=a187be]"Moonrise? When's moonrise?"[/color] She had barely asked that question when the words vanished and were replaced by new ones. [color=a187be]...choose your fate... Nico or Gordo...[/color] What the hell was that about? She had to ask one of them out to the dance she was trying to avoid? She had never asked a boy to a dance before - well, she had once. It did not go well. And both these men were attractive. Of course, Nico was more so than Gordo, and then there was the small fact that Gordo seemed to dislike her... But how in the [i]hell[/i] could she ask a movie star to a ball? [color=00aeef]"Moonrise is probably tonight..."[/color] Nico replied, his eyes quickly scanning the new words that appeared on the scroll. [color=00aeef]"Would I say yes or no? To what?"[/color] The movie star glanced at Caity's scroll. [color=00aeef]"What does yours say?"[/color] he asked. He barely had time to read what was written in the pink and blue scroll Caity held when the words faded. He raised an eyebrow. [color=00aeef]"Did your scroll have my name on it?"[/color] Caity let out a cough, dropping the scroll. The parchment vanished into the air as it fell from her fingers. [color=a187be]"Well, you know, possibly."[/color] Damn, he had seen! What should she do now? Caity still didn't feel like she could just [i]ask[/i] him to go to the ball with her. He was... Well, damnit, he was a [i]movie star![/i] Caity put her coffee mug to her lips, gulping down still-hot coffee as quickly as she could. She coughed and sputtered as she finished. [color=a187be]"Oh, would you look at that, I finished my coffee. Guess that means I need to go get more."[/color] Nico looked at his own scroll and watched it vanish from his hand. [color=00aeef][i]Pretty convenient way to get rid of stuff that are no longer needed,[/i][/color] he found himself thinking. He looked back at Caity. [color=00aeef]"Well, I'm coming along with you. You did offer to share some of your coffee,"[/color] he said as he followed after her. [color=00aeef]"So, was it really my name on your scroll?"[/color] he called after her. Caity blushed, and let out a groan. Of course the jerk wouldn't let it go. Stupid movie star. [color=a187be]"Yes, it was, you nosy man. It also has Gordo's name. Apparently I need to ask one of you to the fairy prom."[/color] [right][color=00aeef][sub]"So, was it really my name on your scroll?"[/sub][/color][/right] Caterina had taken one glance at her scroll, and knew her choice. But as Nico's voice filtered over to her, Caterina frowned. He wasn't only on her scroll? She looked to see who he was talking to - ugh, the purple haired woman. Caterina almost pitied the poor plump girl. Nico was shallow enough to not go with her if she asked - there was a [i]reason[/i] his name had only been linked to the most beautiful Hollywood elites and models, after all. Caterina would do the girl a favor. From the looks of the girl's sputtering, she hadn't asked him yet. So Caterina would make sure the plump girl wouldn't get rejected. [color=8B00B8]"Nico!" [/color]She sauntered over to the duo, her hips swaying. [color=8B00B8]"Seems I'm supposed to ask you out to the ball. We should go, for old time's sake."[/color] Caity blinked at the model, surprise coating her features. Did Nico used to date [i]her[/i]? Damn. DAMN. The other woman was [i]gorgeous.[/i] Yet there was something about her attitude Caity didn't like. The woman seemed to think Nico saying yes was a given. Caity cleared her throat. [color=a187be]"How do you know Nico hasn't said yes to someone else?"[/color] Nico was about to encourage Caity to ask him out when the woman he used to date came up to them. Caterina confused him. One moment she acted like she hated him and the next she wanted to go to the ball with him. Her inconsistency was one of the reasons why he broke it off in the first place. He looked from one woman to the other. [color=00aeef][i]These games or whatever we're all in would probably give me a headache,[/i][/color] he thought. [color=00aeef][i]Maybe I should just go with Rina to end this.[/i][/color] He knew how unpleasant Caterina could be and he didn't want to subject his purple haired friend to that. But despite that thought, he found himself looking expectantly at Caity, her words making him unconsciously wait for her invitation. [color=8B00B8]"Said yes to who?"[/color] Caterina made a show of looking around. Could this girl not take a hint? And she was trying to help her, too. [color=8B00B8]"It seems like no one else has asked him - the only ones here are you and I. Besides, Nicolas and I have a history. I'm obviously the best choice, and the only choice."[/color] The model's words made her bristle - if Caity was a cat, her tail would be puffy in anger. She turned to Nico, half out of spite. She had been [i]planning[/i] to get up the courage to ask him. Now she was pissed off enough to do it without courage. [color=a187be]"Nico. Want to go to the fairy prom with me? We can get drunk on fairy wine and pretend to know how to dance."[/color] Caterina's lips parted slightly in shock. The plump girl actually had the courage to ask him? She applauded her bravery - even if it was a totally foolish move. Nicolas wouldn't be interested in going with the purple-haired woman. Again, Nico looked from one woman to the other. He had been in a similar situation with Caterina once. And it didn't end well for the other girl. He weighed his options. The supermodel was right in one aspect. It made sense for him to go with her...that is, if he was still in Hollywood maintaining his super star appearance, But this place... he found that he wanted to at least be himself and not let social expectations dictate his actions. He looked towards Caity and made a different decision. [color=00aeef]"Sure, I'll go to the fairy prom with you, Caity,"[/color] he gave her a smile. The model nearly choked as she stopped as gasp from escaping her. Well, that wasn't what she had planned at all. Still, must maintain appearances. She gave her hair a flip. [color=8B00B8]"Pity. You might have gotten your own personal after party, Nicolas. Remember our last one?"[/color] Caterina gave him a slight smirk. [color=8B00B8]"Have fun with your...friend."[/color] She turned and left the duo, her hips swaying as she sashayed away. She supposed she would find this 'Gordo' character. The look of shock that had appeared on her face since Nico had said 'yes' still hadn't left. Caity blinked at the movie star for a long few moments, trying to formulate something to say. She hadn't actually expected him to say yes. Particularly when she was up against that snobby but beautiful woman. Who would have slept with him. Caity just hoped Nico didn't regret his choice. [color=a187be]"Uhm. Well. Since that's settled... I guess it's time for me to have more coffee? Do you want coffee? I want coffee. I'm going to get coffee, before someone else comes over and asks you to the fairy prom. That was awkward."[/color] Caity went into her house, seeking the comfort of coffee and books. Nico followed after his obviously flustered friend turned date for the ball. [color=00aeef]"Coffee, yeah. That'd be nice,"[/color] he said a little distractedly. He may have turned his ex down but the model's words brought back vivid memories to his head. It was one of those wild Hollywood parties where booze was freely flowing and women threw themselves half naked at the men. But unlike most of his buddies who were making out with one random girl after the other, Nico only had his attention on Caterina and their hot make out session in one of the darker corners of the bar. It didn't take long for them to agree to go back to Nico's place where they went at it the whole night, tangling and tumbling together in his bed and filling the room with their moans of pleasure. Caity led him through her book-filled home, bringing him to the kitchen. There, waiting on the table, was another cup for coffee. Convenient. She filled it up for Nico, and filled her mug up once more. [color=a187be]"So. That was your...ex?"[/color] She asked, sitting down at the kitchen table. She didn't notice the walls - once painted a cheerful blue - were now a glossy stained wood.