"Small problem with that plan cap'n." Hunter said, his hands bloody from the grip he had to maintain on the wheel, "We're in the midst of Scylla's Embrace. It's all I can do to keep her from dashing agains' the rocks. Our only option right now is to head deeper into her belly, the marines would nee be stupid enough to follow us towards Shipwreck Isle in this weather." It was a crazy plan, Scylla's Embrace was a difficult sea to navigate on a calm day. In the midst of a storm like this it'd be tantamount to suicide. Of course probable death is always more appealing than certain death, but not by much. It'd take take everything he had to get them there, and the luck of the devil for the ship to not be a complete wreck when they got there. "Pull in all but the main sail!" the navigator called over the sounds of the waves and cannon fire, "These winds will as soon get us killed as allow us to escape the bastards. Seems the government has even bought the favour of the gods..."