[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ihhZg00.png[/img][/center] [h2][center][color=aqua]Broker Of Fortune[/color][/center][/h2] [hr] [color=aqua]"Eh, don't worry about it. You and Mint here are far from the weirdest people I've met today."[/color] Broker responded as the hatch closed behind Nies and the King Tiger rolled onwards without any further delay. Already she'd been faced with countless Green Rangers bereft of their pants, a ghost in the coding of DGO, and the thrice damned Corpse Collector before the war had even started, so seeing a nervous girl make an awkward introduction was hardly noteworthy in the grand scheme of things. [color=aqua]"Anyway, you were asking about Eclipse Princess. Sorry to disappoint you, but she's actually holding down the rear while everyone else pushes forward. Not as glamorous as the vanguard, but it's nice to know that we have nothing to fear from behind us."[/color] There wasn't any reason to mention Princess was busy fighting by herself when the bluenette left her. It was only the one Bruiser, and Broker didn't think he was anyone high up enough to last long on his own against the Ivory Mask's infamous berserker. [color=aqua]"I know you said you were supposed to meet her, but if you're a healer then there are people that could use you a lot more up at the front. If you want to meet her at the Blue City gates, then we are going to have to take them and lay out the red carpet ourselves!"[/color] Her voice rose an octave, enthusiasm radiating off of her at the prospect of all the EXP just waiting to be collected on the battlefield. The best lies were ensorcelled around a kernel of truth after all, and her eagerness wasn't feigned in the least, though Broker's intentions were far from being set in stone. With the deck so heavily stacked against the Bruisers thanks to Blue Joker's sabotage, it was becoming clear that the nails which stuck out was now being met with an Ivory hammer. Unlike Dark Wraith, Broker's powerbase had lain primarily in the Cobalt Bruisers and their industrial capacity to fuel a small but stable trade network of her own. Wraith could drop the Strykers and still have the Erasers, Sweepers, and whoever else she has dirt on at her beck and call. Sure, Broker could have stuck to her guns and fought the good fight, but what would that have accomplished? Best case scenario, she killed Princess without losing the King Tiger, but even that would have left her slogging through miles of alert and heavily entrenched enemy territory. At this point, Broker could step out of the Ivory Mask's castle with White Sun's head in one hand and Verdant Grins in the other, and that still wouldn't change the tide of what's to come. A not-so-distant rumble tore the former Bruiser from her contemplations, and confronted her with the long awaited battlefield. Any doubts about her course of action were swiftly dashed when she gazed upon the tide of White pressing upon the walls whose battlements, what few remained, fired with little affect upon the encroaching invaders. Artillery was a potent tool, but with nothing to hold back the Ivory Masks approach, there was little that could be done before they were simply too close for cannon fire to properly target and the defenses themselves came under fire. Factor in that no one present could really be called rank and file, every player having their own feats and abilities that makes them exceptionally potent, and it really was a dreadful situation. Weaving past wrecks of vehicles, smoldering craters, and taking the time to drive over loose piles of EXP crystals from fallen Masks, it wasn't long before Broker came upon the left most flank and found the cause of causalities to be a daring- and desperate- counter offensive from some of the Bruisers. At the center of this appeared to be a blue blur by the auspicious name of Blue Nova. [color=aqua]"Crazy bastards..."[/color] The King Tiger reared to a halt some 300 feet away, its barrel aligning itself with the defiant Bruisers who leapt from their ramparts to do battle. [color=aqua]"Alright you two, hop out and go assist the offensive. There should be plenty that need healing and resurrection, but keep your head low if you want to keep it on your shoulders. And here, take these in case you can't pass a DPS check."[/color] On the laps of Nies and Mint would be two each of the improvised explosives that were once intended to ravage the Ivory Masks ranks. Broker intended to use a detonator which she still kept snug in her inventory, but each device had a secondary timer which could be adjusted in terms of minutes or seconds. After that, she popped open the hatch for them to disembark and directed her attention to the King Tiger's sights, adjusting for the difference in elevation and distance to get it lined just right on the center of the Bruiser's small force. [color=aqua][i]"Overhaul."[/i][/color] Her ability flared to life, giving herself and the tank a 50% damage increase for several rounds. Considering the base damage of an HE shell was already monstrous, something of a savage grin tugged her lips to unleash the bolstered armament. A tug of the trigger, and the King Tiger unleashed hell upon Blue Nova. [center][sup][@Caits][@KoL][@Lord of Evil][/sup][/center]