[hider=Isaac Rothwood] [img]http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/14929829/images/1305439261460.jpg[/img] Full name: Isaac Paul Rothwood DOB: August 7th, 2226 Appearance: Standing at 5'11" and in surprising shape for a man his age, Isaac strikes a common, but strong figure. In his younger years, his hair was a dark black- Now, however, he finds more gray in it than he'd like... And he can't blame the desert dust storms for it anymore, either. Rather than bear any heavy armor, he wears his clothes, and an old leather longcoat. Faded, ragged, and old as it is, an NCR ranger patch can still be made out on its back. Rank: Senior Staff Mercenary Personality: Isaac has always been a man of dry humor, for as long as he can remember. His mother once told him he came out of her with a lit cigarette and a snarky comment about it being 'Too damn hot out here'- A joke, of course, but one accurate to his sarcastic wit. Despite this humor, however, he retains an incredible degree of focus; holding himself always in a calm, unflustered manner. While his morals are vaguely gray in some situations, they're as good as one can expect from somebody born in the wastelands. Bio: Born and raised a citizen of the NCR, Isaac had a relatively simple life in his youth. He lived with his parents well within NCR territory, mostly safe from the horrors of regular bandit raids or mutant attacks. With his days spent either in the fields farming mutfruit and taters or hunting varmints with his father to put meat on the table, he was kept strong and healthy. But, all good things must come to an end. In Isaac's case, it was very much his own doing. He'd always been good with a knife, better with a rifle- And growing up in the relative safety of the heart of the NCR, he found himself craving adventure and danger in his life by the time he reached his teenage years. So, despite the warnings of his parents, he left to join the NCRA when he was of age to do so. His first year was hell- Healthy as he was, the training they put him through was rigorous, exhausting, and incredibly taxing on his mind. The only thing that pushed him through it was the determination not to return home a failure; He regretted that pride within weeks of first entering the field. First, it was a bandit raid on the caravan he was stationed to guard. He lost two friends that day- And three more that same night, when the remnants of their group were befallen by super mutants in their camp. Only he and his then closest friend made it home, where he would spend the next six months recovering from injuries that would never fully heal. When it was finally time to take to the field again, things only got worse, in a vicious cycle that continued for nearly six years, until he was finally sent on a mission with the right people, to the right place. His talent with a rifle was what caught their eyes first, and his talent for snooping about unseen that sealed his fate. He was pulled from the mission by an NCR Ranger patrol, and after a rather complicated series of events that Isaac refuses to say much about, became a member proper. The twenty two years that followed were a blur to Isaac, and two events stuck firmly in his mind; The day he earned the black armor, and the day he forsake it to save the life of a criminal. The details of that particular tale are shared only with those quite close to Isaac, but most in the company know the general gist of it- Isaac's orders were too far beyond his personal morals, and, not entirely convinced of the target's guilt, Isaac instead handed in his black armor, and covered the accused man's tracks as he fled. With no hard evidence to this betrayal, he found himself free of any bounty... But discharged from the NCRA all the same. He left in the night, smuggling out his Longcoat and guns with him. Some months later, he encountered the young mercenary band 'Ace of Spades'. His experience and skill led to a smooth climb into an officer role, and there he has rested since- training the new recruits and helping to keep the company in check when necessary. Of course, he still readily assists in the field, whenever called upon- Insistent that his advancing years would have no effect on his talents as a sharpshooter. He has yet to be proven wrong. Equipment: - NCRR Longcoat - Ranger Sequoia - AMR - Combat Knife - 2 stimpaks - Pack of smokes[/hider]