Ursaren had been remaining silent for the previous minute, trying to probably keep from saying anything that would jeopardize his secret. The matter of horses was brought up in the conversation as several steeds were loaned to the party, and within a few seconds the old man was mounting a bigger, darker-colored horse and rubbing it behind the ears with his hands, trying to keep it from panicking with the new rider on top of it. Ursaren had experience with horseback riding before, acting as both a jouster and a bet-winner, so the act of horseback riding just came back to him naturally. If the old man didn't look badass before, he would definitely look badass now. He turned his head to face the priest Sett and his predicament of struggling to find someone to ride with, as he was inexperienced with this and he couldn't learn right now. After he asked Alice if he could perhaps ride with her on her horse, Ursaren had spoken up with his usual jolly tone. [b]"Settionne, if she rejects riding with you, then you're more than welcome to climb aboard with me."[/b] [@POOHEAD189][@The Fated Fallen][@BCTheEntity][@Fetzen](Not mentioning Darkraven because confusion, please do not take offense or think I'm being rude, I'm just confused.)