[b]Masae Kanegawa[/b] Fortunately for her back, Masae was quickly able to procure the assistance of some random student passing by once she exited from the batcave down to the regular hallway. It made things easier on her as the two of them gently carried Aderyn to the nurses office with her between them, the most care given to her leg. Of course she had to explain the story, but it helped that she didn't really know what had happened. All she knew was that her friend had been attacked and dislocated her leg. The possibility of the guy she was with being responsible lingered somewhere in her mind, but for now she would trust him. It was better than having to carry Aderyn to the nurses office herself. "Man, that sucks," the guy whose name she didn't know, with brown hair, blue eyes, some freckles, and clad in suitably weather appropriate clothes, said as they rounded a corner together. "Who'd think something like that would happen here?" Obviously he had not heard the stories about the Sweepers, but she kept that to herself for the moment. Instead she nodded before glancing over at him. "Surprised you aren't on DGO right now for that war or whatever. It seems like everyone else is." The halls were practically deserted by this point as people responded to the call to arms for the fight. The guy chuckled, rubbing the back of his head with a grin. "Actually I was on my way there when you found me. There was some stuff that I needed to pick up here first, that was all." Ah, a fairly reasonable explanation then, so she could only thank her good fortune for it. "What about you?" Masae turned forwards as she frowned. "I...don't really do DGO, honestly. It just doesn't interest me, and there's no point risking my levels in some war that I don't care about." A bit of a lie, but she figured that it was alright. The only thing she really did care about in this war was Aderyn's well being. "Ah, okay. Well, I can understand that. It's not for everyone." The two of them fell silent as they at last arrived at the nurses office, where at least the teachers would be waiting for them. It was lucky for her that she had been so quick, since it looked like she might have left now that the festival was effectively over. At that point Masae bid farewell to her helper, who waved as he ran off now that Adery had been handed off to the nurse. That had been helpful, but now she was back to helping her friend. With that she fell into a supportive role, walking along as the nurse went about helping Aderyn onto a bench and preparing to set her leg before the paramedics showed up. They could have a second look, just in case she missed something. Or Masae had made an error in calling them, which wouldn't have been a complete surprise. For now she merely prepared to assist as the nurse went about applying some ice to the dislocated leg, and got ready to put it back in place. [@Mega Birb]